Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Shoe thrower's sentenced reduced

April 7, 2009

It was only a matter of time. They went through the charade of "justice" and now begins show thrower's gradual release from prison. A federal appeals court in Baghdad Monday reduced his sentence from three years to one. To include time served? He was found guilty of assaulting a foreign head of state on an official visit to Iraq, which carried with it a sentence of 15 years. Attempted assault is 1-5 years. So although he was found guilty of the more serious charge he was given the most minimal sentence under the lesser charge. Guess those 25 lawyers he had in court with him were worth something - a month a piece.

Source: CNN

President Bush attacked by shoethrower
Malaysian foreign minister praises shoethrower
Shoe party in the streets
Update: shoe thrower
First Lady Laura Bush reacts
Shoe thrower sentenced to 3 years
Indonesians welcome Madame Secretary of State with lame shoe toss
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Shoe thrower's sentenced reduced from 3 to 1 year

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