Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sexist quote of the day: "Hillary, I'm looking forward to you advising me as well."

December 13, 2007
Iowa Democratic Debate
Video from Pundital

Obama gets ask about his "change" with President Clinton advisors. Laughter including Sen Clinton's and then a whiny: "Hillary, I look forward to you advising me as well." Make sure you pause to see the faces of Richardson, Biden & Edwards. Edwards standing there knowing full well what a whore he is. Talk about a pig. And if Edwards wasn't there and didn't get 30% of the vote? Barry's 38% wouldn't have won anything - as it won't in November.

Ran into this post on Perfunction:
Posted by: cranky | December 13, 2007 at 08:52 PM
I can feel my testicles shrinking back up inside every time I hear that "laugh." Why haven't any of her advisors told her that she loses 10 votes every time she forces that insincere, glass-shattering, emotionless, cold-blooded sound from the depths of her black little heart?
Remind anyone of Tucker "eunuch" Carlson's castration fears? He has no trouble sharing them. Found his quotes on thoughttheater:
On a new gadget called a Hillary Nutcracker:
CARLSON: I don't know, but that is so perfect. I have often said, when she comes on television, I involuntarily cross my legs.

During a discussion about Hillary Clinton:
CARLSON: Boy, she scares me. I cross my legs every time she talks, every time. Pat Buchanan, Melinda Henneberger, thank you very much. No, it's true. It's involuntary. I don't mean it, but I do every single time.

CARLSON: Oh, every time, involuntarily. It's like those pictures you see of the soccer goalie when they're about to get the free kick. That's me when she talks. I can't help it.

On Nancy Grace:
CARLSON: I don't want to be on a long car trip with her. She scares me. I cross my legs involuntarily every time she comes on the air.
I also like his comment about learning from Lorena Bobbitt that there's a great resentment of men by women. What cave has this boy been hiding in? And how secure of/in his "manhood" is he? Anyone know why he dumped the bowties?

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