Thursday, January 31, 2008

Obama refuses to shake Sen Clinton's hand

(transferred over)
January 31, 2008

Obama refuses to shake Sen Clinton's hand at State of the Union Address and literally turns his back on her. A real man. Sen Kennedy showed what a man and politician he is - even if he didn't reach out to Sen Clinton first. Here's good old Charlie Gibson's voice when he was a staunch supporter of Obama. Really quite funny to go back and listen to people who weren't Obama fans and what they're saying now.

Sen Kennedy had just endorsed Obama on January 28, 2008 and Sen Clinton was the one who went over and shook Sen Kennedy's hand. Say what you will about Sen Clinton - that took some guts and showed what a professional politician she is. It's clear what type of politician/man Obama is from this. And Obama said he would sit down with rogue leaders and doesn't even have the courage or grace to shake his fellow senator's hand.

Video courtesy of AP

When questioned on his plane with no American flag,
Obama: I was he was turning away because Claire asked him a question.
Senator McCaskill, delirious and lost in rapture, said:
It was not a snub. I had a ringside seat. It was just one of those "accidents" that happens that was caught on film.
Then why did she call it an "accident". First she said nothing was wrong and then uses accident. She's not a very good was early in the campaign...I found Whoopi's take interesting. Wonder if she'd have the fortitude to say the same now.

Here's Whoopi's take.
I think he was wrong to turn away. If you are triumphant you don't have to stand on the person's throat. You can be a bigger person.

And Obama still hasn't shown any respect to Sen Clinton or her voters to which is why they aren't too pleased or excited to vote for him. What he doesn't realize is that none of them are actively campaigning for him either. I find it hard to believe he actually wants to get a democrat in the White House because he isn't doing everything he can go recruit voters - especially all 18 M Clinton voters who showed up to vote.

We'll see how much of the youth/black vote show up in November. No matter what - it's the women's vote that will decide this election and it will be Obama's fault - not Sen Clinton's - if they don't vote for him.

When is he going to get this?

Monday, January 28, 2008

Toni Morrison endorsing Obama

Tony Morrison letter of endorsement to Obama.

This letter represents a first for me--a public endorsement of a Presidential candidate. I feel driven to let you know why I am writing it. One reason is it may help gather other supporters; another is that this is one of those singular moments that nations ignore at their peril. I will not rehearse the multiple crises facing us, but of one thing I am certain: this opportunity for a national evolution (even revolution) will not come again soon, and I am convinced you are the person to capture it.

May I describe to you my thoughts?

I have admired Senator Clinton for years. Her knowledge always seemed to me exhaustive; her negotiation of politics expert. However I am more compelled by the quality of mind (as far as I can measure it) of a candidate. I cared little for her gender as a source of my admiration, and the little I did care was based on the fact that no liberal woman has ever ruled in America. Only conservative or "new-centrist" ones are allowed into that realm. Nor do I care very much for your race[s]. I would not support you if that was all you had to offer or because it might make me "proud."

In thinking carefully about the strengths of the candidates, I stunned myself when I came to the following conclusion: that in addition to keen intelligence, integrity and a rare authenticity, you exhibit something that has nothing to do with age, experience, race or gender and something I don't see in other candidates. That something is a creative imagination which coupled with brilliance equals wisdom. It is too bad if we associate it only with gray hair and old age. Or if we call searing vision naivete. Or if we believe cunning is insight. Or if we settle for finessing cures tailored for each ravaged tree in the forest while ignoring the poisonous landscape that feeds and surrounds it. Wisdom is a gift; you can't train for it, inherit it, learn it in a class, or earn it in the workplace--that access can foster the acquisition of knowledge, but not wisdom.

When, I wondered, was the last time this country was guided by such a leader? Someone whose moral center was un-embargoed? Someone with courage instead of mere ambition? Someone who truly thinks of his country's citizens as "we," not "they"? Someone who understands what it will take to help America realize the virtues it fancies about itself, what it desperately needs to become in the world?

Our future is ripe, outrageously rich in its possibilities. Yet unleashing the glory of that future will require a difficult labor, and some may be so frightened of its birth they will refuse to abandon their nostalgia for the womb.

There have been a few prescient leaders in our past, but you are the man for this time.

Good luck to you and to us.
Toni Morrison

"Nor do I care very much for your race[s]....Good luck to you and to us."

I find those lines curious. I would also like to know much Morrison actually knows about Obama and how much time has she spent taking directly to him. Barry has "creative imagination". True. It's demonstrated throughout his mythology: "Dreams of My Father." Morrison thinks that creative imagination + brilliance = wisdom. Wisdom is a gift. Barack Obama has the gift of wisdom. Fine. But what about the ability to act on it? The ability for his actions to follow his words, which he has not done? I, too, would like him to be who he says he is...unfortunately he is not anything he has said and no one knows who he really is...including himself, it seems.

Obama about Clinton's Jesse Jackson Comment

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Obama: "I have no doubt I will get the voters who voted for her."

January 23, 2008
Countdown with Herr Olbermann

video courtesy of firedoglake
OLBERMANN: Interview with David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) in which the Illinois Democrat addressed a question from David Browdy about whether Sen Clinton would "be a drag in down ticket races" as a presidential candidate.

(Video clip) OBAMA: I think there's no doubt THAT she has higher negatives than any remaining democratic. You know that's just a fact. And there are some who will not vote her. (but its wrong that hers aren't voting for him? Hypocrite.

I have no doubt that I'll--once the nomination contest is over, I will get the people who voted for her. Now the question is: Can she get the people who for me?
Yep. January 23rd and he is that smug that the sheep will run home to The Messiah. This is just one of the reasons why they aren't crossing over. His absolute arrogance and sense of entitlement. Of course they'll vote for me - I'm The One. But My Followers are loyal only unto The Messiah. Elitist?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

"I'd be upset if there was too much civility in this debate."

South Carolina Democratic Debate 1-21-08 (Part 9/12)
What he said then must have had an expiration date because he's been whining ever since. Oh and he had no problem whining that the Clinton's are racists to get the black vote behind him. Proof is in the polls. barry is a fruad of the highest magnitude that would not be tolerates if he were white or a woman of any race. Geraldine Ferraro was correct. And Mr Bill was correct: Iraq was a fairy tale. Sen Clinton was right: Rezko was a (now convicted) slumlord.

And I have to say Wolf, I especially appreciate the fact that Hillary and John were giving me a tough time, cuz shows I'm doing pretty good! I-I-I would be upset if there was too much civility in this debate because it's competitive."

Gender race
Focus on my race or Hillary's gender in terms of choosing a candidate that is not to say we should be ignoring the very real problems that still exist in terms of race and merit. If I am president I will have a civil rights division to work on local levels....
Sen Clinton: Jumps in and mentions gender equality. Women 77/67. Always at the ready and barry's taking over the reins? Don't think so - it's clearly not on his mind. Funny how he prioritized race and gender. He started to point to Sen Clinton I imagine from his mother teaching him manner something we don't know because she isn't spoken about and his sister isn't either. Anyway and then he edited and pointed to himself my RACE Hillary's gender. Race over gender every time. Absolute joke.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Wright is a racist

January 18, 2008
FOX Sean Hannity discussing Wright
Rev Jesse Lee Peterson: Double standard. There's a double standard in America today. Liberal can do and say whatever they want and get away with it. We all know that Reverend Jeremiah Wright is a racist.

Wright gave an award and said of Farrakhan that this is a man who TRULY EPITOMIZED GREATNESS.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Women in the military more likely to be raped than killed

January 14, 2009

While Kurdish women in Iraq are being held down and having their genitals mutilated without anesthesia, while young girls are being disfigured with acid for daring to go to school and while child marriages are sanctioned in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and throughout the Arab world, American woman continue to be killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But not all of them die.

Some come home broken, having had their bodies forcibly invaded and souls murdered. By rape. By their fellow countrymen.

Raped while they are defending our freedom.

Raped by their fellow soldiers, while others look the other way.

Raped by their superiors, who are supposed to protect them from harm.

Why the focus on "Don't ask, don't tell" and not on the epidemic of rape?

Rape cannot be blamed on war or explained away by conditions on the battlefield.

It's a heinous crime that has no cure or retribution. What gets stolen can never be given back or replaced. A hole remains that can never be healed.

Rape murders a woman's soul just as surely as a bullet.

Imagine you are a woman covering your buddy's back during the day only to be raped by him at night. Where could you go to seek help? Safety? Sanctuary?

Would you have the courage to speak up in a place where all you have are your fellow soldiers - many of whom know what is happening but do nothing to stop it?

Who could you tell? Would you think anyone would listen - let alone believe you?

And even if someone did - how would you get away from the immediate environment? From the rapist? From the shame?

I read this article, "Alarming Sex Assault Rate Found Among Vets" by CBS News national security correspondent DAVID MARTIN. It's more horrific than I imagined. But how can a man report on the full impact of rape in ways other than statistics?

He can't.

How many female soldiers feel safe enough to speak up (even after they've left the military)? And if they do, who treats them? A man?

MARTIN (highlight added):

Tuesday, researchers reported that an alarming number of female soldiers have sought treatment for sexual assault committed by fellow soldiers. A Veterans Administration study found that one in seven female veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan seeking medical care from the VA suffered sexual trauma - everything from harassment to rape.

Medical records of 125,000 war veterans, both men and women, showed 15 percent reported sexual trauma. That works out to nearly 2,600 veterans, almost all women. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, since the study covered only a fraction of the 870,000 veterans who have fought - and none still on active duty.

"I do feel that it is much higher than that, and if they could get the records of all the women that have returned that had been sexually assaulted, those afraid to come in, they would find that it's a lot higher," said Wanda Story.

Story, who was raped twice during her military service 20 years ago, now heads the United Female Veterans of America. She says the military has done a lot to improve the climate for women, but war makes it worse.

"They're out there, they're away from their families, they're away from their girlfriends, you know, their wives," she said. "They see an opportunity."

A recent survey by the Government Accountability Office of just 13 military bases found that 103 service members who say they've been sexually assaulted in the previous 12 months.Numbers like that produced this jaw-dropping statement by Rep. Jane Harman, D-Calif.:

"Women serving in the military today are more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than to be killed by enemy fire in Iraq."

And women who suffer sexual trauma are more likely to develop medical and mental problems.

Studies show it ranks high - or higher - than combat as a cause of post-traumatic stress disorder.

And what is being done about it? What does she come home to? What does she say to her husband ? Her family? Her children? Her community?

Why should a woman, who volunteered to defend our freedom, come home with such shame when she did nothing but serve her country honorably?

Why should a man, who dishonored the Military Code of Ethics and broke the law while killing their fellow soldier's soul, come home to silence and face no punishment?

How many of you are right now thinking: It's their own fault...women shouldn't be allowed in the military...they're just faking it to get a free pass home...c'mon what do you expect guys to do?

Look inward and answer to your own conscience. Remember that rape is under reported in the regular population and much more so in the military. If moved, do something. Show some support in whatever way you can - if only being kind to the women you know.

Go to the United Female Veterans of America website. "Holding Aloft the Torch of Patriotism." They are a non-profit veterans organization founded in May 2006 "out of a necessity to bring women veterans together in a unified organization." Their dream?

That no veteran ever spends another day without a friend, a home, a family, a meal, a job, a healthy mind and body and a heartfelt thanks for their sacrifices for our country.

Is that too much to ask?

And why should they need to?

Gene Robinson equates a pix of Wright to 20 years of ranting

January 13, 2008

Wright from the pulpit turns his attention from Senator Clinton to President Clinton using the same old refrain. Rather pedestrian for the reverend's rhetorical rantings of hate.
Some argue that blacks should vote for Clinton because her husband was good to us.

That’s not true. He did the same thing to us that he did to Monica Lewinsky.
And without Bill and Hillary Clinton there would be no mr & mrs barry in the White House. Imagine the transition from Rosalyn Carter to Michelle Obama. Not in this lifetime.

Gene Robinson equates a picture of President Clinton with twenty years of hate speech. It is so sad the lengths they (including barry) will go to pretend wright isn't exactly who he is: a hate-filled, anti-American racist. The non-obamerized don't need "Black Jesus" to cure their blindness and deafness. What's it going to take for his followers to see?

Video: AntiConformist911

Friday, January 11, 2008

Quote of the day: "Wow, he's gonna cry."

January 30, 2008
Morning Joe
Mika, Matthews & Joe

MIKA: "He's gonna cry."

So, as Scarborough said, "Did the machine win"?

Yes, but not the one he meant. The Daley Machine has: pay-to-pay + voter fraud + nepotism + general corruption = JFK victory. I find it very funny that SHRC set out to prove voter fraud and she did. The standard no address exists. And then ended up on Nixon's impeachment trial.

For barry it's: Tony Rezko and credit for the recent passing of the pay-to-play law. Hysterical isn't it? ACORN. And he has had the full support of Mayor Daley since he obamanated with Dorothy Tillman. And then theres Mrs Obama and Valerie Jarrett who have a long-standing relationship.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sexist quote of the day: "Those tears have to be analyzed"

This is the most insane thing I have ever heard and it's from Jesse Jackson Jr - Obama's Co-chair. Watch his body language and is emphasis on certain words...appearance & emotional.

JR: We saw something very clever in the last week of this campaign coming out of Iowa, going into New Hampshire, we saw a sensitivity factor. Something that Mrs. Clinton has not been able to do with voters that she tried in New Hampshire.

Not in response to voters -- not in response to Katrina, not in response to other issues that have devastated the American people, the war in Iraq, we saw tears in response to her appearance.

Norah O'Donnell: Ahhha

JR: So her appearance brought her to tears, but not hurricane Katrina...not other issues..

ODONNELL: Are you suggesting then that it was a little bit affected -- her tears - that it was staged?

JR: "I wouldn't say that. I am saying that there a lot of issues we can be EMOTIONAL on in this campaign...and yet in this dynamic, in the Granite state, we saw a melting.
What a loser. How desperate was Barry at that point? Man above the fray allowing his Co-chair to whale away on his opponent for the need to analyze "tears". Blaming Barry's loss on Sen Clinton crying about her appearance. How pathetic. The woman who asked the (unscripted 100% spontaneous) question that got an unscripted 100% spontaneous response from Sen Clinton voted for Barry.

"The Media Hates Hillary"

January 9, 2008
The Young Turks' video about how the Media hates Hillary Clinton. Prompted by the mo dowdy crap article that I've commented on previous. Who did she sleep with the get a Pulitzer Prize because it sure ain't her writing?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Breaking News meets lipstick!

January 9, 2008
Contessa Brewer listens closely to the field reporter's account of Breaking News!

Video Courtesy of Insidedcablenews

Blog of note: NewsBusters

Serious professional blog devoted to proobama media bias and general MSM madness. Many different contributors. Have their own and You Tube videos and many times transcripts to link to. An ally in the fight.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Reid: three hoops for Burris

January 8, 2009

harry reid sure is patronizing. And an egomaniac who has something to prove. Must must have grown up poor or lacking and is trying to show he's just as good if not better than the people he thinks he rules. What is Nanci Pelosi's job? He is not going to like having a Columbia-Harvard "articulate" president looking down on him - especially if he some race issues. Not wanting Emil Jones or Jesse Jackson, jr cannot be entirely explained by race. Plenty of reasons supersede skin color.

So he had his photo op with Mr Burris and Dick Durbin. Had his lieutenant stand behind him while he presided and then he spoke. It was shocking. He sounded like a guy talking in a bar. He didn't even have the common respect for a fellow democrat (who has not been indicted on anything) to address him by his first name or title - just "Blagojevich". He has a personal vendetta. Perfectly clear. Maybe those conversations happened and maybe he did say some "racially insensitive" things. It would explain his blago venom. I bet he holds a mean grudge.

Excuses and concessions:

Jesse White's signature absolute necessity - rule has never been circumvented.

Testify before the impeachment committee.

And then he threw it back to Lisa Madigan just like barry would have. Illinois Supreme Court to rule on whether Jesse White's signature can be circumvented.

Jesse White is just keeping his word. Didn't expect blago to call their bluff. Never saw it coming. Noe of them did.

Clears all three - he can be reconsidered. But then Senate can refuse to seat him:

Article 1, Section 5 of the U.S. Constitution: "Each house shall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members.

I had no idea all these things were included in The Constitution. Anyway it will never happen.

How can a secretary of state veto a governor who has been found guilty of nothing?

Wasn't President Clinton signing and appointing during his impeachment proceedings?

And then there's race. Bobby Rush has never shied away from it.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Sexist quote of the day: "You're likable enough, Hilary."

January 5, 2008
Democratic Debate

OBAMA:"You're likable enough, Hillary."

January 10, 2008, NY Times article by JODI CANTOR :
For many women, these moments are deeply personal. Though Sarah Kreps, 31, who is moving to New York, said she would vote for Mr. Obama, seeing Mrs. Clinton debate was a reminder of her time in the Air Force, and the discomfort of being the sole woman in a group of men. The criticisms of Mrs. Clinton's voice took Ms. Rees back to the time her boss pushed the mute button on a conference call to tell her that her voice was too shrill.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Obama NH lobbyist

Jan 5, 2008
New Hampshire Democratic Debate

SEN CLINTON: Obama's chair in New Hampshire lobbies for drug companies. We should all be held accountable.

BARRY: That's not true.
Yet another lie.

Friday, January 4, 2008

MPP: Presidential Candidates view on Marijuana

January 5, 2008

2008 Presidential Candidates on Marijuana

MPP: Marijuana Policy Project

Personal THC (10-17-07)

LENO: Did you inhale?

Barry obamanated: That was the point!

Medical THC (11-24-07)

BARRY: My attitude is that if the science science and doctor suggest that the best palliative care, the best way to relieve pan and suffering is through medical THC, then that’s something I’m open to. Because there’s no difference between that and morphine [Yes, there is - a big difference. As there is between THC and cocaine] when it comes to giving people relief from pain. But I want to do it under strict guidelines. I want to make sure it is prescribed in the same way that other painkillers or palliative drugs would be prescribed.”

Re: Arresting medical THC patients.

BARRY: I would not have the Justice Department prosecute anyone for use of medical THC. That’s not a good use of our resources.


barry spokesman BEN LABOLT (San Francisco Chronicle):

Obama supports the rights of states and local governments to make this choice - though he believes medical marijuana should be subject to the (US Food and Drug Administration) regulation like other drugs.

Previous political controversies re: marijuana use:

1987 Ginsberg disqualified from Supreme Court
1991 Clarence Thomas admits to use and voila! no problem.
1992 Clinton: I experimented with marijuana a time or two and I didn’t like. I didn’t inhale and didn’t try it again.

2003 Presidential Debate

ANDERSON COOPER: Which of you are ready to admit tonight to using drugs in the past?




JOE LIEBERMAN: I never used marijuana, sorry.


BARRY: I inhaled, frequently. That was the point.

Ok for Thomas and Obama but not Ginsberg and Clinton. Clear double standard. This campaign has shown how race will always triumph gender and white guilt.

SHRC on Civil Rights

Women's Rights are Civil Rights
Beijing China 1995
"She hoped 'to push the envelope as far as I can on behalf of women and girls,' and her speech was a loud call for women's rights to be equated with human rights."