Monday, June 30, 2008

Lou Piniella Videos

Parody of Rihanna's "Umbrella" dedicated to Lou Pinella
Ronnie woo-woo (:31) Barrett vs Pierzynski (:41) Zambrano vs Barrett (:43) LaRussa's mugshot(1:14) Bartman in neck chain (1:40) Ronnie (2:09) Lou restrained by ump (2:20) Lou's beauty treatment (2:31) Bush in locker room (3:00) Cardinal grabbing teammate's crotch (2:55) Sosa's corked bat (3:41)

June 7, 2007 Vintage Lou 3rd base tirade

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Michelle Bernard (44) on feminism

March 21, 2008
PBS to the Contrary spliced video
Michelle Bernard on SHRC's foreign policy experience
A curious thought. If your ancestors hail from Jamaica, why are you African American? Is every black person on this planet considered African whatever? Do natives of Jamaica refer to themselves as African Jamaicans? It's crazy.

She is married to CNN correspondent, Joe Johns - who used to work under Tim Russert.

Found this interesting (6-28-08) article on TOY SOLDIER by TS:

Discussing Bernard's idea of "feminism". She's not one who hates men or thinks they're all rapists. What kind of feminists are these? And if one were to say I like black women but not those angry black bitches? Anyway read the whole article. There's a video link of her but it's no longer there. I have to wonder why.
TS: "However, apparently doing counts as anti-feminist, or at least that is the claim made on Feministing. Jessica Valenti linked to an interview Michelle Bernard recently gave while promoting her new book. What is interesting is not that Jessica and the majority of the posters on Feministing consider Michelle Bernard anti-feminist. What is interesting is what Bernard says in the interview about what she thinks feminism is. One can view the video here, but I have taken the time to transcribe her comments (minus the "uhs" and "ums"):
Q: Do you consider yourself a feminist?

MB : I do… sort of. It depends on how you use the term. I am, I would say I would be the sort of feminist that you would've seen in a much — in a bygone era that was fighting for equality for women, that was fighting for women's suffrage, and that was fighting for the abolition of slavery.

I am not the type of feminist or the type of woman who sees every man walking down the street as a potential rapist. I am not the type of feminist that dislikes men. I am the type of women that just wants an equal society. There are some people that get locked into that camp where everything is anti-men. Well, I have a son and I have a daughter and I love them equally and I want them to have equal opportunity. So if that's how you define feminism, that's me!
In contrast, note Jessica's response:
In the clip above, Bernard explains that she's a "real" feminist - you know not like those nasty hairy man-hating kinds that want women to excel at the expense of men.

She also notes that women who call IWF anti-feminist just "think it's cute to throw bombs." I'd hardly say that calling IWF anti-feminist - an organization that exists to bash feminism and convince women that sexism is actually fantastic for them - is throwing bombs. It's more like…lobbing marshmallows.

Just take this description of Bernard's book:

Though many influential groups feed on the prevailing myth that women are oppressed, most women are healthier, wealthier, and better educated than ever before. Michelle Bernard, the president of the Independent Women s Forum, lays out the facts in a new book that will make life harder for radical feminism's ideological hucksters.

Oh you caught us! We're such hucksters…trying to peddle the myth of equality! For shame.

Here's the curious thing - she thinks because BO became president her daughter can be too. How naive is that.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Male Minority Group??

No joke. This man wrote this in all seriousness. I'm sure I don't have to tell you how old he is. (Emphasis mine)

Male Minority Group
Will Fitzhugh Columnist

Male Minority Group

It is seldom acknowledged that the largest Minority Group (MG) in the United States is Males. There are several other important Minority Groups (MGs) of course, such as the Iraqi MG, the German MG, the Vietnamese MG, the Irish MG, the Brazilian MG, the West Indian MG, the Hmong MG, the Danish MG, the Jewish MG, the Apache MG, the Kenyan MG, the Italian MG, the Mexican MG, the Haiti MG, the Arapahoe MG, the Hopi MG, the Somali MG, the Cuban MG, the Hindu MG, and the Korean MG, to name just a few.

There are many important sub-groups within the Male MG, of course, including the Costa Rican American Male Group, the Apache American Male Group, the Comanche American Male Group, the Chilean American Male Group, the Havasupai Male Group, the Pakistani American Male Group, the Tibetan American Male Group, the Scottish American Male Group, and so on, including the males from the groups in the first paragraph, and from scores and scores more American Male MGs.

The Male MG exhibits a number of serious consequences of its marginalization and oppression. Members of the Male MG are disproportionately given drugs for ADD in schools, they are incarcerated as adults at much greater rates than the majority group, they are more likely to be abusers of alcohol and other dangerous drugs, and they are much more likely to drop out of school, and of those who do go on to higher education, fewer complete it.

The United States has a long history of accommodating MGs, from the Quaker MG's policies of toleration toward the Pennsylvania Deutsch and the local Siberian-American population, to Washington's letter to the Connecticut synagogue, and so on, right up to the present day. Apparently there are several hundred foreign languages spoken in the New York Public Schools now, and many of these foreign-language speakers are, after all, Male.

Women are the Majority Group in the United States of course, and they also make up the majority of the teachers in our schools and of the students in our colleges and universities. While they participate in at least half of the divorces in this country, it is not clear that there is much awareness on their part of the plight of the Male MG. One hears frequently: "You Go, Girl!" But hardly ever does one hear, "You Go, Guy!" And this is just one small symptom of the Majority attitudes toward the Male MG that contribute to its difficulties in our society.

[Participate in at least in half the divorces? Plight of the male MG?? Majority of teachers in schools? And how many tenured professors? You, go guy?]

What is interesting is that Diversity and Tolerance, which the country has been working on since the Founding, have only recently been discovered, it seems, by our educators in the schools. Diversity and Tolerance have been introduced into the curricula as though the United States and its citizens have not understood their importance since 1620 or so. One can only wonder, however, how many classes on Diversity and Tolerance in our schools now take into account the struggles and pains of the largest minority group we have.

Struggles and pains of the largest minority group we have? Earth to skippy!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Condolences to Tim Russert family

Tim Russert Family:

Your grief must be unbearable. We are sending you our prayers and sincerest condolences -- he will be greatly missed.

For him to pass during this historic election year, when so many new voters have become interested in politics and looked to him for truth and understanding, is a cruel, devastating loss to the country and the world.

It will difficult to watch the conventions and election night without his infectious smile and childlike excitement guiding us. There was no one like him, nor will there ever be.

The world has lost it's Monsignor of Politics.

You were blessed. As were we.

We're so sorry.
We're so sorry.
We're so sorry.

Your fellow Americans

Primary recap video

Sarah Scully & Wille Rabbe
IFC News Correspondents
2008 Uncut Special #1: America's Next Top Candidate

They put together this montage on the presidential primaries that is worth watching.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Racial code word: "exotic"

Pat Buchanan's Racist "Exotic"
This world has gone mad. Say anything about Obama and it's racist. Or as Herbert says: HE'S BLACK! HE'S BLACK! So what. HE'S A FRAUD! HE'S A FRAUD! fraud a code word? Yet?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ron Paul: "'Change' means nothing."

June 10, 2008
Washington, DC
As to Obama's chant. "Change means nothing - it's just a word. It's a cliche. To repeat it means nothing. You have to ask: 'What are you going to change'? And I would argue, you offer no change....Do you care about sick people using marijuana? Has he come out on that?"

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Poll: proobama media bias

June 8, 2008
Rasmussen Poll

17% Unbiased
33% of Liberals
17% Moderates
7% Conservatives

68% reporters trying to help their candidate win
82% of R
56% of D
69% of I
50% of Liberals
65% Moderates
83% Conservatives
Cuts across all demographics

75% of voters believe media too much power and influence of election
87% of R
65% of D
89% of I

16% just right
3% too little

54% of all voters believe obama benefiting from media bias
22% McCain
14% Clinton (who are these people? the proobama media themselves?)

43% Clinton received the worst
27% McCain
15% Obama

44% believe most reporters will help Obama in general election
70% of R
75% of McCain voters
44% of I

13% believe reporters will help McCain
8% of R
5% of McCain voters
14% of I

24% will be unbiased
60% blacks - unbiased or unsure

47% of Independents expect obama to be favored
6 % McCain

Earlier poll
30% friendly reporter more value than raising big money
29% money more important
40% unsure

And proobama media bias + trashing McCain + big money = obama presidency

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Sexist video: "Mad as Hell"

A nice collection of sexist comments about Sen Hillary Clinton from her friends in the MSM. Make sure you notice Mika Brzezinski's Mrs Spitzer impersonation. And "My goodness."

Friday, June 6, 2008

Brazile nasty email

Toward the end Donna Brazile was sending vile venomous emails to supposed SHRC supporters. I'm sure that many many of them were disgusting. Frannie sent her an email inquiring about her comments made on CNN. See what you think. Frannie was entirely sincere but the final response was downright nasty.

FRANNIE: Hello Ms Brazile: I apologize for all the nastiness Clinton supporters have vented on you. They represent a derange faction and don't speak or reflect the majority of Clinton supporters. Our group has nothing but love for you and wish you well. We heard your words on CNN and wonder how much you meant them?
CNN Transcript June 1, 2008
BRAZILE: Anderson, you know, I'm in -- this is Sunday. I will give her my delegate if that would tell them to show some love. Show some unity. They can have my vote. I'll cast it for Hillary Clinton. But don't tell me after we have sat down for two days spent the entire week getting e-mails from people who are strangers threatening us if we don't do what they want us to do they're going with John McCain.
11,295 Clinton supporters who had planned on writing her in on the ballot will vote for Obama and actively campaign for him until November. Not a threat or ill will or anything else. We're simply curious if you will really stand behind your offer. None of us would ever vote for McCain.

Your words. Your choice. Your integrity. Thank you for reading this and enjoy this historic day! Whatever happens - It's been a long, a long time coming...
BRAZILE: To let you know how much I appreciate your email and tone, Sen Clinton has not asked me for my help or support. I have gone out of my way to be gentle and kind, but there is nothing they want from me or others who stayed neutral or undeclared. I saw it in the Rules meeting and understood on Sunday what I know right now -- they don't want it. For the record, I reached out to Maggie Williams before Sat and asked if they needed anything. Let me now do what is right starting tomorrow. Tonight, i salute the season and will not declare for anyone.
God bless you and I pray you are indeed sincere.
FRANNIE: Thank you, Ms. Brazile, for holding off until tomorrow. Please make sure your vote is meaningful, 2115 or so, because it will signal victory for Clinton supporters as well. (Frannie didn't quite get how the voting went.) Congratulations to you, your community, and to all Obama supporters! I pray Senator Obama is wise enough to use you high up in his administration. You've earned it. Any help in getting CNN to give Senator Clinton break for once, if only tonight, would be greatly appreciated. Enmity, too, shall pass. Peace. 9They didn't give her a break and Brazile was part of the nastiness.)
BRAZILE: Your email and others are unproductive and disrespectful to Senator Clinton. Thus, I understand and appreciate the desire to inject your anger on the last day. But you must understand this, we are human beings as well with deep emotions as well that must be acknowledged.
Ouch! What? Frannie sent a confirmatory email saying that she was indeed sincere and blamed the anger on the email being sent to the wrong person. She couldn't find the last one to include here.

And then there's Brazile's tirade at the rules committee about people in this room she nods her head and eyes toward the pink-faced men next to her having made the rules - generalizing to the whites. Could you imagine someone making a face and dismissive gesture like that to Mrs Obama? Someone should remind Brazile that women weren't included in the "all men are created equal" either. And that black men voted in 1870 and held office - in larger proportions than any time hence. Think about that. Women couldn't vote until 1920 and they marched and got beat and jailed. It doesn't lesson either - it just goes unnoticed. Black men could vote in the South - although there were literacy tests and a poll tax - they had the right. Blacks in the North voted between 1870 and 1920 when women did not have the option of literacy tests or anything else. The first black man to vote did so in New Jersey.

See here for more on suffrage.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Quote of the day: "moment when the rise of our oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal!"

June 3, 2008

barry's appoints himself the democratic nominee in St Paul, Minnesota aka the fist bump speech. He is convinced he is the obamessiah...and so is the MSM and the obamerized masses. Honestly, I do not know what these people are drunk on. It has to be more than Kool-Aid. The look in their faces is absolutely frightening. The look on his transcend narcissism. How can a man truly think this of himself? and how can the people around him allow him to believe. And how stoned is the speech writer?

video courtesy of veracifier

BARRY: America, this is our moment!

This is OUR TIME!

Our time to turn the page on the policies of the past!

Our time to bring new ideas and new energy to the challenges we face!

Our time to offer a new direction for this country that we love!

The journey will be difficult. The road will be long.

I face this challenge... I face this challenge with profound humility and knowledge of my own limitations.

But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people.

Because if we are willing to work for it and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that:

THIS was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless!

THIS was the moment when the rise of our oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal!

THIS was the moment when we ENDED A WAR and SECURED OUR NATION and RESTORED OUR IMAGE as the last, best hope on earth.


THIS WAS THE TIME we came together to REMAKE this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals.

Cardinal Francis George removes Father Pfleger

June 3, 2008

Cardinal George removed Father Pfleger from St Sabina's. He didn't go easily. Background: In March Obama initially separated himself from Wright but this time he had to completely sever himself from the church itself. Recall Pfleger went off on 3-23 defending Medger and Malcolm and Wright and Farrakhan. Obama said on The View 3-28 that he would have quit the church if Wright wasn't retiring. Then Wright let loose at the press club at the end of April and that was it. Pfleger couldn't help himself so he went off on Hillary (5-25) time. Barry waffled (5-30) and then quit the church(5-31).

Here's Cardinal George's statement via LYNN SWEET. (emphasis added)

To put recent events in some perspective, I have asked Father Michael Pfleger, Pastor of St. Sabina’s Parish, to step back from his obligations there and take leave for a couple of weeks from his pastoral duties, effective today.

Fr. Pfleger does not believe this to be the right step at this time. While respecting his disagreement, I have nevertheless asked him to use this opportunity to reflect on his recent statements and actions in the light of the Church’s regulations for all Catholic priests. I hope that this period will also be a time away from the public spotlight and for rest and attention to family concerns.

I hope also that the life of St. Sabina’s parish may continue in uninterrupted fashion. Fr. William Vanecko, Pastor of St. Kilian’s parish, will be temporary administrator of St. Sabina’s and will assure the full complement of ministerial services during this period. I ask the members of St. Sabina’s parish to cooperate with him and to keep him and Fr. Pfleger in their prayers. They are in mine.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Brazile: "My mama taught me to play by the rules"

May 31, 2008
[The original video that I transcribed to got taken down. So the times are a little off.]

At the farce that was the DNC Rules Panel, discussing MI & FL, Donna Brazile, Superdelegate and Rules Committee Member lectures Governor Blanchard.


BRAZILE: This goes to what my mama taught me. (evil look 2:53) My mama - you mentioned your mother - if I was doing what I normally do on Saturday, I would give you something to take home [like she said to Begala] - but I'm not. But my mama always taught me to play by the rules and respect the rules. My mama taught me...when you decide to change the rules, especially, middle of the game, end of the game, that is referred to as cheating.

[Another evil face 4:04]

Angry: So, in that spirit, in the spirit of unity that we all come here today, we come hear in the spirit of unity- we come here in the spirit - not because we everything that we will do here today will be reflected in all of the rules that we have...

(4:12) she nods her head to the pink-faced old men next to her - she's clearly being racistly dismissive - how many of the white men in the room wrote the constitution? FYI angry Donna, women didn't have the right to vote when they wrote it either and black men voted 50 yrs before any woman could.

,,,and there are people in this room people who have written these rules since the beginning of time and I am sure WE will change them before the end of time...but we come in the spirit of unity because we come from a party that have worked for at least the last 4 decades, especially since Lyndon Johnson said voting is the lifeblood of our democracy. He put his pen on a document that came about because people marched and they died for this right to vote, so I just hope that as we talk about fairness and what's flawed and what's principle and what reflects the true intention of the voters, that we also pay tribute to those who might have written in and those who may have not have showed up because they didn't think their vote would matter that day--so we reflect them all. And I'll compromise and I just wanted to put that on the record as well.

Race in America is a goddam joke. Black men had the right to vote since 1870. Johnson abolished the conditions that blacks had to meet in order to vote. The first black man vote in 1870 and and women 50 yrs later. Blacks were still voting between 1870 and 1964. Women didn't have a chance to pass the literacy exam or pay a poll tax and when they marched they also got beaten and jailed.

How many black men stood next to them in the fight?

And how many white woman stood hand in hand with black men on the march?

The primaries were forever tainted by the back room brokering. Except this time it wasn't just pink-faced men. After their closed proceedings - a violation - they came out and give Obama delegates from a state in which his name was not on the ballot. Hos is that not cheating by any mama's standards?

The nomination of barry was fundamentally illegal. Thus the entire process is tainted start to finish.

Step back and think if the colors were reversed. Never happen. That is prejudice. 'That is The Double Standard.