Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sexist quote of the day: "She ought to get out."

Here's a good ol pink-faced sexist from Vermont, Sen Patrick Leahy. Just one of the many Obamafans who raged and ragged at "Hillary" to just get out already. Everyday they did that. What were they afraid of? You don't yell at someone to get out unless you actually believe they can win. Even back then Barry was showing his weaknesses. Anyway Leahy was interviewed by Bob Kinzel on Vermont Public Radio and he let his whiny misogyny fly.

March 27, 2008
Transcript VPR
(HOST) Will a protracted battle between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination hurt the Party's chances of winning the November election?
Senator Patrick Leahy, who supports Obama, says the answer is yes, and he thinks Clinton should drop out of the race. But Clinton's supporters in Vermont have a very different opinion.
VPR's Bob Kinzel reports:

KINZEL: It's a question that's being raised in political discussions on the radio, on TV, in newspapers and in the blogs. And the results of a new poll highlight the danger for the Democrats if their presidential primary contest gets any nastier.

According to a new Gallup poll, 28% of Hillary Clinton's supporters say they'd vote for GOP candidate John McCain if Barack Obama wins the Democratic nomination and 19% of Obama's supporters say they'd vote for McCain if Clinton is the Party's nominee.

Senator Patrick Leahy, who's a super delegate supporting Obama, is clearly worried about this situation:

LEAHY: "I am very concerned. John McCain, who has been making one gaffe after another, is getting a free ride on it because Senator Obama and Senator Clinton have to fight with each other. I think that her criticism is hurting him more than anything John McCain has said. I think that's unfortunate.

KINZEL: Leahy says it's virtually impossible for Clinton to win more elected delegates than Obama, and as a result, he thinks it's time for her to accept defeat:

LEAHY: There is no way that Senator Clinton is going to win enough delegates to get the nomination. She ought to withdraw and she ought to be backing Senator Obama. Now, obviously that's a decision that only she can make. Frankly, I feel that she would have a tremendous career in the Senate.
Frankly, does it get more patronizing than that? And what in the hell kind of career has he had? Never heard of him before this. Never heard of most of those pink-faced old boys who came out bashing Sen Clinton...mostly presidential failures. Whose fault is it that Bush is in the White House? Al Gore & Donna Brazile & Kerry & Edwards. No Bush no Iraq.
KINZEL: Former Governor Madeleine Kunin is the co-chair of the Clinton campaign in Vermont. She thinks Leahy is dead wrong on this issue:

KUNIN: It is premature, to tell her to drop out now is just unfair because it isn't over. Admittedly, it's tough for Senator Clinton to get a majority of the delegates but it's not over till it's over. It seems a bit Patronizing to tell her 'Honey, you know you've got to drop out for the good of the Party.' Sure it's not easy, but I think the process has to go forward as it was designed to go.

KINZEL: And Kunin thinks, in the end, the Democrats will unite behind one of these candidates:

KUNIN: I think both Democratic candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton know that what everybody wants in the Democratic party is a winner and some of this is just inevitable. But I think they will unite and I'm confident that judging by the turnout at every Democratic primary which has been unprecedented that Democrats will do very well in November.

KINZEL: It's likely that roughly 800 super delegates will ultimately decide this race. Vermont has 7 super delegates - five are supporting Obama, one is backing Clinton and one person - former governor and now D.N.C. chairman Howard Dean is neutral.
Howard Dean neutral? When did that happen?

The obligatory "statement" from Leahy once someone told him what a sexist he was.
Any clear-eyed (non-hormonal?)appraisal of the campaign at this stage adds up to two conclusions: The bottom line is that, first, Senator Obama continues to hold a lead that appears to be insurmountable (then why the worry?) and recent indications are that more and more unpledged delegates have begun to add their support to his column.

And second, John McCain, who has been making one mistake after another, is getting a free ride on those gaffes, because the Democratic candidates have to focus not on him but on each other.

Senator Casey's endorsement of Senator Obama in Pennsylvania is the latest sign of how the race is going. (Yeah, his teenage daughters told him to endorse Obama.)
A Democratic victory in November is important to the future and to the change in course that the American people want and deserve. The last thing the American people need is for Senator McCain to continue a third term for President Bush.

Senator Clinton has every right, but not a very good reason, (Because she poses a serious threat to Barry?) to remain a candidate for as long as she wants to. (Well, thank you, Mr President.) As far as the delegate count and the interests of a Democratic victory in November go, there is not a very good reason for drawing this out. But as I have said before, that is a decision that only she can make. (And yet you raged on the radio that she ought to get out and she ought to endorse barry.)
Senator Clinton has begun a tremendous career in the Senate, and she has a bright future ahead of her. She faces difficult decisions ahead, and I wish her the best.
He thinks women can't understand: "bright future ahead of her"? Hear of racial "code words"? Well, there are even more sexist "code words" if the outright words and dismissive body language isn't clear enough. "Bright future ahead of her" is what women hear when they're being passed over by a man with little or no experience for the job.

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