Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Moore equates ranting about birth control to AIDS

April 30, 2008
Larry King
Micheal Moore equates what Rev Wright to Catholic priests who say "Birth control is a sin" and "women shouldn't be priests" & "women have a different role in the church". GODDAM AMERICA! THE US OF KKK A! Hillary ain't never been called no nigger & the government invented AIDS and is responsible for 9/11 is the same. Just like barry's typical white woman grandmother is the same as wright. Yo mikey, AIDS started in Africa from they think ingesting chimpanzee brains. Sorry rev. Sorry mikey. You hate and find "Hillary" disgusting fo just mentioning farrakhan and barry in the same breath and had wright been her pastor? Go to confession.

Video courtesy oF VOTERSTHINKdotCOM

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