Thursday, August 28, 2008

Obama's Convention speech "thanks"

With 38 million people watching the Messiah and his flock, here (1:40) are all 17 words of Obama's "lavish praise" for SHC.
Let me express my thanks to the historic slate of candidates who accompanied me on this journey, and especially the one who traveled the farthest — a champion for working Americans and an inspiration to my daughters and to yours — Hillary Rodham Clinton.
After SHC delivered her excellent speech--it truly was--David Gregory asked Judas what he thought about some delegates feeling buyer's remorse? Richardson did not at all seem surprised. I wonder if he thinks was worth the betrayal.

And for all the doubt and disrespect President Clinton received (2:19), his own lavish praise was 17 word phrase.
To President Clinton, who last night made the case for change as only he can make it;
The only Dem president in 28 years and the only two-termer in half a century gets 17 words. The last president of either party to give the American people eight years of prosperity gets 17 words. One lame phrase to thank someone who the Transcender of Race allowed to be crucified for racism. Someone who was not reached out to until Obama needed an endorsement to "unify the party". And when Pres Clinton did - Obama used his own slogan to claim Clinton's words.

What Pres Clinton said was perfectly clear. He understood and believed in what he was saying -- Obama did not. Clinton had the crowd in his hand and left them chanting at the end, as did SHC. He clearly enjoyed the adoration: "I love this." (1:06) But it was well-earned and honest. Obama hasn't won anything - not even his coronation -- and he is a fraud who believes the whole world should adore him.

Will he thank the Clintons? No, he got what he wanted.
Will he blame them if he loses? Absolutely, as will the MSM.

Obama's most heinous act was the 9 word phrase he offered (2:28) Sen Ted Kennedy: Ted Kennedy, who embodies the spirit of service;
Spirit of service? Sen Kennedy embodies more than that. He has spent 46 years accomplishing real change - not just loftily speaking of it. Sen Kennedy made the arduous trip to Denver against medical advice - flying at altitudes that posed a serious, potentially fatal, risk. He didn't let brain cancer, brain surgery, chemotherapy or radiation stop him. He did it for Obama. He did it for the Democratic party. He did it for the Kennedy legacy. He did it because he understood the significance of his mission and because it may well be his last convention. But most of all, he did it to inspire the American people as only he can.

With his back bent from chronic pain and unspeakable tragedy, his eyes clear and cogent, the Sen from Massachusetts in his distinctive - though weakened - voice gave a rousing never-to-be-forgotten speech:
...this November, the torch will be passed again to a new generation of Americans. So, with Barack Obama and for you and for me, our country will be committed to his cause. The work begins anew. The hope rises again. And the dream lives on.
And for that Herculean (or leonine) effort, how did Obama honor Sen Kennedy? Nine words - not even a full sentence - and he was semicoloned with the Clintons, which could not have pleased him. Nine words that did not mention Sen Kennedy's many accomplishments or his devotion to the Democratic Party and the people of Massachusetts. Nine impersonal words - devoid of personal heartfelt words of gratitude to a man who passed the mantle.

Why aren't Obama supporters outraged by this? His delegates? The MSM? The Kennedy family? The senator himself? Clinton supporters are, as should all Americans, including and especially, Obama. In his stump in Dublin, Ohio today Obama praised Michelle and never once mentioned Sen Kennedy. I couldn't even find a link to Sen Kennedy's speech on Sen Obama's website. Anyone who doesn't think Obama in mired in his own Messianic Complex should be ashamed of his behavior.

My prayers and best wishes go out to Sen Kennedy and his family.

1980 Sen Kennedy Concession
speech and video:
For those whose cares have been our concern - the work goes on. The cause endures. The hope still lives. And the dream shall never die.

1 comment:

JMP27 said...

Excellent post. No one has commented on it anywhere. I especially liked the video of Ted Kennedy. He looked righteously pissed. They compare barry to the Kennedys? yeah right. the Kennedy's knew what they were talking about and they cared about the people who they were talking to.