Liberal Artwork by bot JILL GREENBERG
Atlantic Monthly's unused cover photos by Jill Greenberg. This is one (more) disturbed Obama fan. Quoted in Photo District News Pulse, Greenberg said: "Good. I want to stir stuff up, but not to the point where I get audited if he becomes president.”

Captions: "I called my wife a cunt."
"I am a blood thirsty warmonger."
"It was fun cheating on my car-injury-disabled first wife."
No caption needed.
This is depravity of the finest. These are the stalwart supporters of barry fans. The man above the fray = joke.
Another on her website: "I'll have my girl kill Roe v Wade".
Watch Atlantic Monthly's Editor, James Bennett's explanation.
Read this article at American Digest website, which goes into detail and contains this interesting tidbit:
"As far as it goes it is workmanlike enough and presents McCain, unlike the Obama covers we are used to seeing, without the halo. Given the level to which the owner and the staff of the Atlantic are in the tank for Obama -- the owner's wife, Katherine Brittain Bradley, is on record in one instance for $28,500.00 to committees supporting Barack Obama-- even the cover-lines are not half-bad if a bit half-hearted."Who needs lobbyists and PACs when the MSM is your best propaganda outlet and shamelessly contributes to your campaign? Who's going to investigate?
Read this interview at PopPhoto where Greenberg remarked on her "crying babies photos". "Maybe getting kids to cry isn't the nicest thing to do, but I'm not causing anyone permanent psychological damage."
Disturbing Photos and story at GuardianUK of Greenberg's photo exhibit "End Times" where the Greenberg-intentionally-induced-crying kids captions include: Shock, Torture, Four More Years, Left Behind, The Rapture Index. Greenberg said: "her concern was to depict what she says reminded her of the 'helplessness and anger I feel about our current political and social situation'."
It's clear who has permanent psychological damage. And what of the parents who allowed their child to be used for such revolting political purposes? Who allows their child to be captioned "Shock" or "Torture"?
Why didn't Atlantic Monthly know this? Bennett says he doesn't screen his photographers as to their "political views". Anyone buying this? Especially when the owner's wife contributed $28,500 to Obama? And as if they would hire a Republican to take McCain's picture. The non-mesmerized masses see through the messiah and the MSM's mancrush. It's just as disturbing as her photos.
Unbelievable! The McCain ones were bad but the children are worse. Obama people will do anything. They talk about his first wife and she's still alive. This Greenberg is demented. How much money has she donated?
This is just gross even if it wasn't a war hero. Imagine a conservative artist shitting a picture of an ape shitting on Obama's head. And has Newsweek or CNN talk about any of this?
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