Monday, August 25, 2008

Do they drink Kool-Aid on Mars?

Does anyone feel like they've entered a parallel universe? This whole nomination farce is wonderful entertainment until you realize this fool is going to have to get us out of these messes. Millions of regular Americans...aka bitterites...are suffering. Right this moment. And they will continue to until somebody starts listening and caring. That person is not barry. It is HRC. He has no interest in anything other than his own glory. His people feel he should rule the cosmos and his supporters are convinced he's the messiah.

How are people buying his crap? It's obvious to those of us who are not mesmerized. There are those who can see, those who refuse to see, those who cannot see and those who see and do nothing. I understand why people join cults. It's perfectly clear. His body language says it all. I wish I knew how to make videos - there is so much to string together. Anyone?

I'm afraid the other enlightened ones have given up. That is why we must keep at it - if only for the Clintons' sake, so they know that millions of us get it. The DNC orchestrated this whole process starting in 2004. All the way up to the Convention. They selected and then coronated their candidate. Barry is the lesser of two evils and that is what the DNC was relying on. And they counted on HRC's supporters crossing over because of the issues .

Maybe the DNC will wake up on Jan 21st (or Nov 5th) and realize what a "boneheaded mistake" it was not to pick HRC for VP. No, he will never admit that - his contempt and hate for her so great. Did he start out that way or was it his camp: the DNC/MSM?

Yes, Barry has energized his following to get involved. Unfortunately, he has no practical knowledge of how to execute it. And when he doesn't follow through, how many people will be disillusioned? What will it mean abroad?

I have this strange feeling that something is going to be exposed with both candidates in October.

And then what?

1 comment:

mattie said...

Love the title. I think october is already here for Gov Palin. I can't imagine what the barrybotlets are spreading. what a way to win - trashing a mother. how long before his operatives invade her daughter's high school?