Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sexist quote of the day: "Interchangeable parts"

I was looking for some videos on my favorite Worst Person in the World, Herr Olbermann, and found this one. The FOX anchors are having a cordial conversation about MSM bias...having done nothing about it as it still exists just as bad if not worse today...and out of nowhere comes this exchange. I couldn't believe it. Why didn't/haven't they scientifically proven that proObama MSM bias exists? I wanted to know what Walter Cronkite thought about all this and then realized I didn't want to shatter the last bastion of journalistic integrity. Barbara Walters crossed over to the tabloid side. Hawking her book for obvious reasons. That's another discussion...

CAL: We're all interchangeable parts now. There is no distinction.

Man off-camera: Speak for yourself!

CAL: Well, my parts are better interchangeable than yours, I want you to know.

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