Saturday, September 20, 2008

Howard Dean letter

I'm going to transfer over some of the previous posts as I am unable. These letters to Howard DNC are worth reading again as are the ones to NARAL.

Letter to Howard Dean, Chairman DNC
Hello Mr. Dean:

Tonight I stopped being a Democrat. I have heard enough. Senator Clinton racks up a 35 point lead and all they talk about is how Senator Clinton's supporters are voting against Obama because of racial bias. David Gergen says for three hours that Sen Clinton is out of it and can't win. Then he says Sen Clinton should say publicly that racists shouldn't vote for her. Why can't anyone give her credit? People are voting FOR her - not AGAINST Obama. Must you continue to diminish her at every turn?

Tonight was it.

What you have done to her is nothing short of vicious. Racism, racism, racism is all we hear and not one word about sexism and misogyny, especially by David Gergen . I started out an Obama supporter -- I voted for him -- but I cannot support a man who turns his opponent into a racist and allows her to be bashed everyday, while he is given special treatment by the media. You are supposed to treat both candidates fairly - make sure they are treated fairly. They weren't and the manner in which it was done was nothing short of brutal.

This cannot be healed or forgiven.

Obama waxes poetically about CHANGE and transcending race and he has allowed it to be played throughout the campaign. You have allowed MSM to bash her at every turn - every day. Check the footage and compare time of Bosnia coverage and Wright. Which got more coverage? I know you won't look but it was Bosnia.

I've had enough. There is no rehabilitating it. My mother raised me better than that. How would your mother feel?

Writing Senator Clinton on the ballot. Proudly.
AW (male)

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