Saturday, September 13, 2008

AP poll: Sept 5-10

Latest AP Poll discussed (spun) at Newsweek

Whites lift McCain to slim lead over Obama in poll

Sensationalized title - blacks don't even have to be polled it's so one-sided.

The unvarnished truth = Obama's losing Sen Clinton demographic
The hidden truth = Biden has done nothing to add to the ticket

Party loyalists behind candidate R 94 D 83

MC 13 points up on seniors (Sen Clinton demographic)
MC 23 points up on rural voters (Sen Clinton demographic)
MC 48-44 proven voters (Sen Clinton demographic)

Experience to be POTUS
MC 80 O 47 (Sen Clinton was routinely around 90)

Lacks experience
More people believe Obama lacks sufficient experience (47%) even compared to Gov Palin (36%)
Sen Clinton universally beat Obama

70% think Palin the right choice
??? Biden the right choice

MC 55 BO 37
MC 24 points up on suburban (Clinton demographic)
MC 26 points up on didn't finish college (Clinton demographic)
MC 53 (women) BO 40 (Sen Clinton demographic)

MC 50% believe he'll be different than Bush including Independents (once BO stronghold)

Prefer Dem (46) to Rep Congress (41)
Lead narrowed -- Congress approval rating = 18%

I'm sure Sen Clinton delegates aren't too happy...especially the ones whose jobs are on the line. Obama can go right back to being a senator as can McCain. Biden has left his name on the ballot just in case.

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