Saturday, September 27, 2008

McCain ad: Obama: "John's right."

September 26, 2008
McCain ad after Presidential Debate 1. Thing is it's what Obama does when he doesn't know something.

OBAMA: "I think Senator McCain's absolutely right that we need more responsibility."
OBAMA: "Senator McCain is absolutely right that the earmarks process has been abused."
OBAMA: "He's also right that oftentimes lobbyists and special interests are the ones that are introducing these requests."
OBAMA: "John mentioned the fact that business taxes on paper are high in this country, and hes absolutely right."
OBAMA: "John is right we have to make cuts."
OBAMA: "Senator McCain is absolutely right that the violence has been reduced as a consequence of the extraordinary sacrifice of our troops and our military families."
OBAMA: "John — you're absolutely right that presidents have to be prudent in what they say."
OBAMA: "Senator McCain is absolutely right, we cannot tolerate a nuclear Iran."

Has somebody put together a montage of Obama saying: I agree with Hillary on that...?


Anonymous said...

haha. Guess nobody told him it didn't look too good during the debates with Hillary where she totally smashed him. But when you don't know the answer what else are you going to say? Can always spin an ad. Can't spin How about I get back to you on that.

Anonymous said...

Wild how fast they got that out. That scar ad was plain weasely.

Anonymous said...

i lost $5 at work. somebody said he'd say i agree like he did to get out of questions with Hillary. total poser