Saturday, September 27, 2008

(Misleading) Poll: Round 1 goes to Obama

September 26, 2008

Of course CNN would say that. That is so laughable. I couldn't believe he actually used the "I agree with Sen Clinton..." line. Especially with Russia. Obama got luck McCain went first. Just like Medvedev.

LEHRER: You see any -- do you have a major difference with what he just said?
OBAMA: No, actually, I think Senator McCain and I agree for the most part on these issues.

17/18 paragraphs in - the truth:

The results may be favoring Obama simply because more Democrats than Republicans tuned in to the debate. 41 % Democrats, 27% Republicans, 30% Independents.
The...sample is roughly 5 to 7 percentage points more Democratic than the population as a whole.
Do the math. D 41 R27 I30. And which way are Independents turning? Crazy the lengths MSM will go to make Obama look better. Matthews was harping on his demeanor and how McCain wouldn't look at Obama. Hello? Can't you see he can't rotate very well from his injuries? He tried at least twice that I recall. Matthews looked like his dog got run over. And what the hell was he doing covering it? Olbermann too?

Did Like McCain's: "Are you afraid I couldn't hear him?" & "I won't set the White House visitor schedule before I'm president. I don't even have a seal yet."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I just say Shneider talking about this on CNN. He says of course there were more democrats but didnt show the obvious bias. As is it was coincidental? They'll do anything to get him elected.

Anonymous said...

propaganda can you get a pix of the seal? i never saw it.