Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sexist quote of the day: "so Hildebeest can have another run"

August 27, 2008
Sen Clinton's voice during Convention speech
Lee Rogers, San Francisco Radio Station KSFO
Media Matters' Nathan Tabak
RODGERS: With that screechy, fingernails-on-the-blackboard voice of hers, it is impossible for Hillary Clinton to deliver a great speech. And that high-pitched, whiny sing-song, blah, blah, blah. And I saw some of the video clips from it, and sure enough, she comes out wearing the pantsuit of the day.
RODGERS: What a bunch of bull-bleep. They're not behind Obama. They're hoping he falls flat on his face so the Hilldebeest can have another run in four years, and Billy Bentpecker can hide behind the curtain in the Oval Office telling Hillary what he wants her to do as president of the United States. That's what they really want. And Bill can't control himself. Now, he's going to speak tonight.
Wonder what he's saying about Gov Palin.

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