Monday, September 1, 2008

Obama Convention Bio Video

Here is Obama's bio video in which he says he met his father for a month, when he previous said it was one day. Newsweek's, Jon Meacham writes in his August 23, 2008 article, "On His Own":
But whatever one's politics, a fair-minded reading of Obama's history suggests that he is a figure of strength whose resilience was forged by his struggles to fill the hole left by an absent father, a Kenyan whom he met once, at Christmastime 1971.
Who care if it was a day or a month - was it worth an entire book? And his white family who raised him? How much has he written about them. I hope some biographer does so the truth will eventually come out. Included in the article is a picture documenting the meeting. Obama said in his mythologized "Dreams of My Father" that his father gave him a basketball, took him to a Dave Brubeck concert

And how exactly did Obama's resilience come about? Did he raise himself? Was he adopted? Did he travel to Africa to be raised by his father's family? No. He was raised by his white family who did not abandon him. The family who accepted and loved him unconcditionally. The family who clothed and educated him. The family who rarely gets thanked and never mentioned by name.

He developed resilience from them - not from his struggle to fill the hole of an absent father.

I also found it interesting that Obama suddenly became a fighter when he needs to appeal to Sen Clinton supporters. Sen Clinton's well-known story of why she credits her mother for her strength. There is nothing real or authentic about this election. It's theater with styrofoam pillars.

1 comment:

JMP27 said...

Why are you surprised? He becomes whoever he needs to be and then has newsweek lie about it for him. check out the trip to pakistan story that popped up when barry was getting bashed for no foreign policy experience.