Friday, October 31, 2008

Alma (Campbell) Brown's youth vote

October 31, 2008
Rant alert

Here's Alma Campbell Brown's comments. Recall how she and most every other pundit has said the reason barry won't become president will be because of "racist white America". Because America is still a nation of racists. Even though a black (biracial when politically expedient. How is his typical white person grandmother doing now that barry's case has been thrown out? What kind of man hides out in Hawaii and doesn't stay just one more day for his grandmother's 86 birthday? Her health was so precarious that he had definite plans of when he was returning? How moronic do you think we are?) man is the nominee of the Democratic party and is favored to win the presidency - Americans are racists. Even though Rep John Lewis can make disgusting irresponsible statements about an American hero, POW and presidential candidate weeks after a black man was coronated the nominee and weeks before he most likely becomes the president of the United States. Oh yes. America is racist because they see all black men as the same. And McCain is just the same as Wallace because they're both white Republicans?

What happened to President Bill Clinton when he made a comment that was perceived to be a comparison between one black man and another? A comment that Rev Jesse Jackson said did not offend him? A man who had served the country during it's most prosperous times in recent memory is suddenly a racist just because he is running against a black man. How many voters in the black community know that barry's camp headed into SC with a plan to paint the Clintons as racists? That they had a strategy already laid out to get the black vote (who hadn't been backing barry) even before Mr Bill said a word? How many black voters know that the fairy tale comment was about barry's stance on Iraq - not his presidency? Donna Brazile doesn't even know. It is a fairy tale and it has been proven to be so. Look at how his position has changed just while running for president - most marked after her got the nomination.

How many voters of any color or party still believe barry had an actual say on Iraq? He HAD NO SAY. NOTHING HE SAID MATTERED. HE WAS NOT "IN THE MIDST OF A HEATED SENATE RACE."And when he did have a say he didn't back up that "judgment" and everyone falls happily in line.

Mr Bill gets reviled in the press for "not coming around" and yet the press seems to overlook that barry refused to reach out to him until he had to. That barry's camp (which includes the MSM and the DNC) were cruel and vicious to the Clinton's about the convention. If Jonathan Capehart had an ounce of integrity he would have written that story. What would have happened to him if he had? White guilt + black silence + absolute media corruption = 2008 presidential election. Post racial? Post partisan? Journalistic integrity? Thanks for the comedy.

It was/is barry's arrogance and egomania that directly resulted in Mr Bill's "not coming around". barry was coronated head of the Democratic party and refused to reach out to the previous leader because he hates the former president's wife. Oh, yes, hallelujah, praise Jesus! America is electing a new type of politician. Or Bob HE'S BACK! HE'S BLACK! Herbert proclaimed the herald of new politics!

And who has done a study of whether America is still a country of misogynists? Every poll has shown that America feels less ready for woman president (and obviously VP) than a black male president. We keep seeing these videos shot by bot operatives about people not wanting to vote for a black man - they were not voting for him or any other Democrat anyway. But how is that received in the MSM? Not mentioned. Just used as a platform for another discussion by the liberal white press - what type of servants to they have cleaning their house while they're at work pontificating about minorities in being foreclosed America? The WalMart moms and Joe the Plumber. And Mika and Joe sit back drinking their $5 Starbucks and chat about mortgage foreclosures and racism in America.

Where are the videos from the black community saying no way they'd ever vote for a woman - certain not a "rich white woman who ain't never been called a nigger"? I still can't believe he said that. Well not that he said it. The fact that it took barry kept him on in official campaign advisory position. Haven't seen a single video or story because how would it help barry? Plenty of he's a Muslim. Who the hell cares if he is? What does that say about the MSM pointing it out like it's a negative or scary thing? What does that reveal about their own preconceptions? Who's automatically associating it with terrorism? Have they ever had a poll on McCain or Senator Clinton's religion? How can you say that 23% of voters won;t they they're Muslim? The whole question is skewed.

People voted FOR barry because they didn't want a woman president. How about the interviews of barry's church members who said wright was telling the truth when he was ranting about "Hillary"? How is that not considered racist. This whole race issue is a damn joke.
BROWN: And if Democratic candidate Barack Obama wins, it will be the youth of this country who gave him the presidency.
Here's a hint: It's a new school year. It's no longer "cool" to be a barry fan. The attention span is milliseconds - not 8 hour voting lines. Had someone found a way to integrate it into a blackberry or iphone like barry did with his X-Box ads then he'd win by 20 million.

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