Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Gaffe of the day: "How Do We Beat the Bitch"

What I find offensive is the woman who asked the question. McCain wasn't sanctioning it - he was caught unawares. He didn't go on and say yeah she is a bitch. He proceeded to answer it. I don't know how SHRC would see it, but this does not even come close to the things barry or the MSM on his behalf have said. Not even close.

LADY: How do we beat the bitch?"

(crowd laughs)

MCCAIN: "May I give, gotta give the translation. (embarrassed chuckle) The way that, the way-"

MAN: "John, I thought she was talking about my ex-wife!"

Then McCain laughs with the rest of them. That line was funny I a generic bah-dum-pah sort of way.

MCCAIN: (Composed.) "But, no, that's an excellent question. (Not meant as the way the question was phrased.) There was a poll out yesterday, a Rasmussen poll that shows me 3 points ahead of Sen Clinton in a head-to-head match-up." Applause. I respect Senator Clinton. I respect anyone who gets the nomination of the Democratic Party."

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