Sunday, September 14, 2008

Gov Palin: "I put it on eBay."

September 14, 2008
CNN Alma Campbell Brown gets the jet wrong herself. (and Olbermann)

ALMA BROWN: "In her Convention speech, Governor Sarah Palin said she saved Alaska taxpayers a bunch of money by selling the governor's jet. She said she put it on eBay."
If one is going to make an issue and parse words, one should be a journalist and quote the exact words. Way too much to ask from bots.
PALIN video on the stump MI: "I got rid of a few of the things in the governor's office that I didn't believe our citizens should have to pay for. That luxury jet was over the I put it on eBay."
MCAIN video on the stump WI: "Do you know what I enjoy the most? She took the luxury jet that was acquired by her predecessor and sold it on Ebay for a profit. It made a profit!"
I didn't listen to the rest of the discussion on the video. What McCain said was not true--he's a doddering old man anyway, right? But what Gov Palin said at the convention was: "While I was at it, I got rid of a few things in the governor's office that I didn't believe our citizens should have to pay for. That luxury jet was over the top. I put it on eBay." Not I sold it or I sold it at a profit. And by selling it anywhere she saved the taxpayers money.

2005 Purchased for $2.7M and the governor personally and the state (to shuttle prisoners) had been using it up until Plain got in office.
12-4-2006 She assumes office as governor
12-13-2006 She announced she was putting it on eBay - one of the campaign promises was to sell it.
8-2007 Sold privately for $2.1M

So a 20-yr old jet bought in 2005 for $2.7M gets sold 3 years later for $2.1M. I must be missing something? Drive a car off the lot and what value does it lose even though it's just as new as it was 5 minutes previous? What was the blue book price of the jet? And no matter what it sold for - the taxpayers aren't paying for it anymore. That is saving the taxpayers money. That is what she said she did and she did it. McCain is another matter. But Gov Palin has been consistent throughout and as far as the jet goes has been truthful.

Alma and the other as usual...whining and misrepresenting the facts about barry's opponents and leaving out the true facts about barry. I would like to have a conversation with anyone in our poll about Rezko and his connection to barry. Not a single one would be able to beat me. Unless jonjon altered reality decided to fess up - but that will never happen. - he'll go down with the ship. And as late as March, Pimp Shuster said he was "still in the weeds about Rezko" and added "I know we're not supposed to talk about this....racism and sexism. That was March 2008, so he knew sexism existed and he knew enough that he shouldn't be talking about it. Can you say propaganda? Media corruption?

If bots were non mesmerized and non hate-filled - they would document how much the jet had been costing the taxpayers: $62,492.79 every three months like car payments and that doesn't include fuel, pilots, maintenance, certification and everything else. But that doesn't suit their needs of protecting their messiah. Who even believes their shit anymore? Alma is getting less credible every week...if she ever was. Pretty girl = empty head to draw in viewers. Wonder what she would think hearing that?

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