Omaha Nebraska
Sen Clinton on the stump while the pink-faced presidential failures do what? Third-grade underwear jokes by the horse-faced one. What possessed him to run for president other than his wife the heiress' money? And why wasn't her clothing tally ever added up? Anyway Clinton is out stumping and she can't get away from the same things. Because she's a woman she has to comment on Gov Palin and still has to answer questions about the Primaries while she stumps for the dude who was coronated.
World-Herald's ROBYNN TYSVER
"In a brief interview after the rally, Clinton declined to talk about whether the news media have treated Palin unfairly because of her gender. Clinton also declined to speculate about whether she made a mistake during this year's caucuses by not visiting Nebraska and other smaller states."

Andrew Jackson (1830) and his great-great-great-great-great-grandchild (64)
I miss Hillary. She knows what shes doing and looks like it up there. bo looks like he's auditioning for a school play with the class clown next to him. If bo deosn't win it's his own fault because his first decision was wrong and the whole world knows it everytime biden opens his big bad wolf mouth! Put some video in here with Hillary doing her thing.
they figured his wife needed all the help she could get cammafloging herself in designer clothes. how much does Michele's cost? the obama's are millionaires and the Palins are good old folks from our GREAT STATE OF ALASKA! i think she looks great and people are jealous of real outdoor beauty. i love Sarah!
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