Thursday, October 30, 2008

Quote of the day: "What? They need Viagra?"

October 30, 2008
Chris Matthews talking with Howie Fineman and some other guy.

Fineman: I was in Harrisburg where a lot of THOSE people are. There's one category of them, who live in the nice suburban towns -- "upscale" soft Republicans and there are "downscale" soft Republicans. "Soft Republicans" the use in the obama headquarters in Chicago. The upscale ones are worried about taxes - more about Sarah Palin - and the downscale ones who want help on healthcare, but who think obama is a little strange. That's basically it.

MATTHEWS: Soft Republicans, uh? What's that? They need Viagra? What are we talking about here.

Please hardball - the visuals.

Demographics are fine unless Sen Clinton is referring to them. Then they become racist code words. And how is it howie knows what goes on in barry's headquarters? "If you read me on a regular basis, you know that I do my best not to take sides." Didn't believe him then. Never have believed it. He has the chutzpah to say it while jonjon doesn't bother.

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