Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Quote to the day: "I think he's sexually attracted to me!"

October 26, 2008
Joy Behar was on Larry King discussing the election. She sure has made had a lot of press lately. Larry played a videotape from The View.

BEHAR: When he comes on the show, when he is backstage with us, he's a lot of fun. The John McCain that I'm seeing now is not the same guy that I see backstage. He's not!

HASSELBECK: He's a dignified figure in the Senate! Barack Obama is so far left.

BARBARA WALTERS: Elisabeth, do you ever, ever doubt anything about the Republicans? Do you ever doubt what you're saying -- what?

HASSELBECK: Sure. I've sat here and talked about Rush Limbaugh. I actually -- when Barack Obama gave his speech, and I've said this...

BEHAR: He's not a Republican.

BEHAR: He's a terrorist. Rush Limbaugh is a terrorist! You heard it here, ladies and gentlemen!

HASSELBECK: Barack Obama actually potentially could have had my vote after his speech at the DNC...

BEHAR: Oh, come on.
HASSELBECK: You don't believe me?
BEHAR: No, I don't.
HASSELBECK: Call me a liar then, Joy.
BEHAR: I don't think you're lying, I think you're delusional...
HASSELBECK: ... the first person to say -- I was not delusional!

Interesting. I wonder if Walters has ever doubted what barry's says. I bet she hasn't even looked at him with her once sharp professional journalist's eye. Now she's just in love. I remember her kissing the Dalai Lama not too long ago. He was amused. I wonder what goes on inside his mind. He has a permanent smile like devious child. Anyway Behar goes on about Palin, O'Reilly, McCain and PTSD.
BEHAR: Oh yes. I'd like to thank Sarah Palin for helping my career. And I'd like to thank Elisabeth Hasselbeck and all the Republicans that I can rub up against, you know. It helps a lot to have all of that fun and friction.

[Palin] has become a joke. let's tell the truth here, Larry. The woman is a joke. Look at Tina - you can see how hilarious she is. And all you have to do is quote the woman and reproduce what she says, and you've got a comedy bit.

So if they start to spotlight you and make fun of you, the comedians, that means that your campaign is a joke. That's why they can't do it to Obama so easily, because he's really not that funny. He's not a joke. There is nothing to make fun of with the guy. It's very hard.
This is called obamerism. The joke? All the obamerized masses, of which she is one, believe his every word. I find it very sad. Imagine what he will do to all the people who have put their hope in him? The world? And he ends up exposed a fraud? What are they going to do when the MSM can't hold back the truth anymore? Brian Williams and Tom Brokaw are a shame to the profession. They are as impartial as Behar and Walters except they are suposed to be real journalists...impartial and conveyers of the whole truth. They can't even begin to know who barry - nor do they care. Now she moves on to O'Reilly. See here for his appearance on The View.
BEHAR: I think O'Reilly is -- you know what, Larry? I think he's sexually attracted to me. That's all I have to say.
You know, I have to say something about this, seriously. Now I liked McCain. I always liked him. But before he was in the position of running, before he became the desperado that he is, he was a much more amiable guy. And you've got a glimpse of it on those Alfred Smith -- that Alfred Smith night. I thought he was very amiable that night and not so wacky, as he has been acting lately.

But has anybody asked -- now I'm a big girl -- a big therapy freak, OK? I believe in psychotherapy, the talking cure. This guy was in a -- in the Hanoi Hilton for five years. They broke his arms. They burnt him. They hurt him. Then he was in four or five plane crashes, I heard, too, right? Am I right about that?

KING: I think so, yes.

BEHAR: OK. He is -- he could be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, that he is now...
KING: All this time later?

BEHAR: What? Yes. Because it could be triggered. If it hasn't been treated in the initial incident, it could be triggered. And the election is making it -- I think it's triggering it off, especially when you're so behind in the polls.

The guy is getting upset. He keeps saying the same things, "my friends," "my friends," "my friends," "my friends." What is wrong with him? Why does he keep saying that? And who are these friends anyway?
[What about Ladies and Gentleman? or barry's The American People?]
BEHAR: "Joe the Plumber," "my friends," "I'm a maverick," I mean, all of these like buzzwords. He just keeps, you know, saying the same thing over and over again. That could be PTSD.

KING: Who is going to win the election, Dr. Behar?
(LAUGHTER) BEHAR: Well, I think that Obama will win. I'm hoping that he will win. I think that we need it very much. And I will do what I can to help him, as you may have noticed.

I don't usually do this. I don't usually come out strongly for a candidate. But this time I just feel strongly about it. I was strong about Hillary, too. But then when she didn't make it, then I threw my weight behind him. And I think it would be great for the country.
I don't recall her vocality for Senator Clinton, do you? She certainly has had no problem ridiculing her to help barry. And most definitely has been all over Mr Bill for not supporting obama when obama never bothered to call him. "He was busy."

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