Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Viewbots attack Hasselback...again

October 22, 2008 (Video)
The Viewbots at it again 4 on 1

Behar discussing the fact that obama went back on his promise to take public finance, which he had no intention of taking. He saw how much money was needed to beat Sen Clinton. He raised and used during the primaries.

BEHAR: I know how there is a lot of conversation about how Obama said he would take public financing and then he changed his mind and he isn't. Now they're all throwing this at him. So he has raised millions and millions.

Hasselback: $800M almost.

BEHAR: - $800M, which is what he needs to beat the Republican attack machine.

Hasselback (gets cut off)

BEHAR; He does, he does. And the fact that he is African American and he has a lot of obstacles to overcome.

[What obstacles? The fawning? The proObama media bias? The 800M? He used half of it to buy his coronation. The outspending his opponents 4:1? The staff of 2500 and 300 foreign advisors? White guilt? 99% of the black vote? Behar's rude mouth?]

BEHAR: He needs that money. So John McCain is now ticked off-his campaign's ticked off because 'he (obama) said he would take public financing.

Hasselback: It's about principle.

[And integrity and transparency and judgment and all that other crap he spouts.]

BEHAR; Really? So if McCain got the $700 million, (mockingly) would he give it back?

You know what? I think John McCain is a man of his word and a man of honor.

(Audience and Whoopi tsk and moan. Behar makes a two-year-old face and Sherri laughs.)

Hasselback: This is a man of honor. They looked at one another and agreed to do this. Senator Obama- I said this before - when he ran for senate, promised people to lower taxes. He did everything but that.

WHOOPI: Yes, that's right. (nods to camera)

: He spent three--

BEHAR: A man of honor doesn't say "I agree 90% of the time with George Bush and now I don't agree with him." That is not a man of honor.

That is an enlightened man. Why else is he running for president? Behar has a sliver's grasp of fact - like most bots. They cannot promote obama alone - they center their argument on attacking his opponents and his opponent's supporters. They represent their man of judgment and integrity who is taking the high road. Behar talks about honor and daily attacks her cohost without knowledge of the facts. Obama has voted 98% of the time with his party. Where is the bipartisanism that McCain has proven?

I don't think I have to keep documenting The View's pro-Obama media bias. They make me angry. Elisabeth gave up and pointed to her "AMERICAIN" T-shirt. You go girl!

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