Friday, November 21, 2008

Dear Pro-Obama media members:

What is historic about this election is your complete corruption. Your unabashed probarry bias. Your abandonment of any type of journalistic integrity. It's appalling. Nobody seems to care except the blogosphere and still you pretend it doesn't exist. This stuff is out here forever. Your written words, video and sound bites will never go away either.

How can you go to work knowing you are going to mislead mature folks who remember what integrity was - journalistic and otherwise? How can you read line after line of pro-barry propaganda and not once falter? How can you stare into the camera and spew such venom for one and speak majestically about the other?

I want to know because I cannot grasp what you are missing.

Are you really not aware you are doing it?
Are you aware of it and think it's ok?
Are you aware of it and don't care?
Are you in denial?
Or are you willingly engaging in it - knowing exactly what you are doing?

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