Sunday, November 9, 2008

Father Pfleger on Barry's win

November 9, 2008

Father Pfleger is in fine form. Can't help himself. He wasn't supposed to talk about politics from the pulpit but what is Cardinal George going to do? The parish loves him, there are a lot of good things happening there and there isn't an excess of priests. So he waits till after the election and hops right in. The dialect is insane. I wonder if Wright put him up to it? Maybe barry wouldn't have an audience with him. Wright and Pfleger didn't wast any time getting in on the action. Pfleger today Wright and Ayers Friday. Wonder when they met with barry to pray over and rejoice in his victory?

St Sabina's Church in Chicago. Father Pfleger preaches - take particular note of how he plays to the camera so FOX can get his good side. "Tuesday, hope was given a new breath. Promise was given new legs."

Here's the link to St Sabina's website. I can't get the video file of his homily to open. I wonder if barry was there and whether Pfleger said a blessing for his grandmother.

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