August 22, 2008
Obama's half-brother, George, lies in a slum in Kenya. Neighbors are appalled barry isn't helping him. barry promised to send money for a school and orphanage but he never did. When he was in Kenya in 2005, he told his family and the Kenyans to not expect him to come back because he would be busy in America. Barry's a millionaire who wants to defeat poverty. He is not an elite who wants to hide his family. Though that's exactly what axelrod has done.
Video courtesy of keepnolahonest
George commenting on why he thinks barry will be president. "I think because he wants to be. I think in life, what you want is what you're supposed to get."
I wonder what he wants? Indoor plumbing?
video courtesy of jjrr4459
BARRY: Whatever you do for the least of my brothers - you do for me."
He didn't thank his brother, African grandmother or other cousins. Sad. He treats his own family like this and then goes in and lectures black fathers to care for their family. How can he go into the Robert Taylor Homes or Harlem and explain this pix of his own blood? The blood he says he chooses to claim. I hope the journalists gave him food and money and clothes. I wonder the last time he had a check up at the doctor or dentist? Why isn't anyone outraged by this in the Black Community? What kind of example is this for how to raise a village when you can't even be your brother's keeper? What is the world going to think when they see this and his auntie hanging out in government housing and receiving free medical care when she was denied asylum 4 years ago. I am more angry with the Secret Service for not vetting him in pubic (or ever) than the proobama media. This whole thing is a sham and his brother lives in a slum. Maybe one slumlord like Tony Rezko is enough.

Photo: Guy Calaf, Vanity Fair, Italy
President-elect Barack Obama's half-brother George.
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