Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More opinions re: Secretary of State

November 19, 2008 (long post)

I really don't care. Just documenting how the lies prove pro-obama media bias. Notice how barry - the president elect - has allowed all this to go on just like the VP selection. Why are people shocked by this? He has no spine so he leaks it to the press to see the potential fallout. Can someone remind him he needs to take charge - not a vacation to sleep in his own bed? His passivity is truly inspiring.

Politico's BEN SMITH:
Obama supporters point to her specific qualifications, her global celebrity, command of the issues and personal acquaintance with international players (assets Obama downplayed in his long campaign against her) as central to the decision to offer her the position.
"She brings so much to the table. On the other hand, there are the obvious downsides, the conflicts that that her husband has."
"It says that he has the personal confidence to engage someone of the notoriety and substance of Sen. Clinton. Implementing change is an exciting exercise."
"This would really give her a very unique platform to really be a part of this historic time we're living in right now, even greater than her role as a powerful senator. She is a capable and strong candidate for that post. Probably few people would have the kind of built-in knowledge and relationships with world leaders she would have."
"This notion of team of rivals is an absurd concept."
Miller said Clinton has some of the key attributes of a good secretary of state — stature and toughness — but that she's untested as a negotiator, and her status as an erstwhile Obama rival might undermine an envoy's traditional trump card.

"People need to know that you speak with the authority of your president, and she … lacks a close relationship with" Obama..."the best of a weak field of potential Secretaries of State.
“It’s a risk with a big upside."

RICHARD WOLFFE:They're (barry's camp) indebted to Hillary Clinton for her work during the general election. I expect they'll both (Clinton & Richardson) will have a prominent role in his administration.

JON MEACHAM: She's a formidable politician....It also plays into her ongoing remarkable story. Whether you agree or disagree with Hillary Clinton, she has built a remarkable career of public service and this would be an interesting next step.

MARK FELDMAN on HARDBALL doesn't look so smug anymore. He doesn't believe what he's saying looking back and forth between Republican John Feehery and hardball like a kid lying to his parents.
"Bold transformational change doesn't necessarily mean winning on a party line vote. That's why you see him meeting with John McCain. That's why you see him reaching out to Republicans. That's why you see him showing that he is going to govern from the center because big bold transformational change doesn't have-"
Hardball calls him on it and he starts laughing in relief. Face it folks. You voted for somebody you don't know and when he continues to do what he always does--rhetoric followed by "policy refinement" so he doesn't have to act--you're shocked.

How meaningful were your arguments? How informed was your vote? How rosy your future?

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