Saturday, November 8, 2008

Prank call engineered by?

November 8, 2008

Can they do anything else to discredit Gov Palin? Now a prank call from a Canadian radiao station. Similar to the "Iron My Shirt" pigs. The main question is the person who ok'd the call. If Sarkozy called Biden would he recognize the voice? There must be a different sound to Canadian French.

Video courtesy of caulkusapples
Best line: "Kill two birds with one stone."

Steve Biegun, former Bush aid and foreign policy tutor to Palin, was responsible for accepting the call but who put the DJ's up to it? From Politico's Jonathan Martin:
BIEGUN: "I approved the call and was in abject horror of what I had done. But she said, 'Look, it's not about whose fault this is, don't beat yourself up, let's just move on.'"

[On Sarah bashing] "It's depressing. We worked our asses off. It was a tough campaign. Then we have this? I think she was fantastic. She just brought a special energy to our ticket. Look, I was there at those rallies. I'm appalled by it because Sarah Palin was one of nicest people I have ever had the chance to work with. I've worked in Washington for 20 years, on the Hill, in the White House and in the private sector, and she ranks at the highest levels of decency, kindness and graciousness of anybody I've ever worked with.

Another former campaign aide: "You know what she did for us. She certainly solidified a hell of a lot of [previously unenthused Republicans]."

NICOLLE WALLACE (McCain Sr Advisor) said Friday on NBC that the governor was "perhaps the most un-diva politician I've seen. [Palin] "drew huge crowds and excited and animated the Republican faithful."

TRACEY SCHMITT (Palin spokeswoman): "Gov. Palin was a breath of fresh air, particularly for those of us who've been living in the Washington bubble. Because she is a working mom, she brought a real sense of perspective to the campaign trail, which was important. She was tireless on the stump and would have shaken every hand on the rope line if there were time. It was evident that this work ethic and enthusiasm was fueled by her sincere commitment to helping Sen. McCain get elected.

TAYLOR GRIFFIN (McCain economic advisor): One of the great developments of this campaign is the addition of Sarah Palin as a powerful and energetic new voice in American public life. She's smart, insightful, and has an uncanny ability to ask the right questions.”

JOSH GREEN (helped out in Alaska) “I thought she was an exceptional political person, but more than that an exceptional person. She’s in line with conservative principles and is an everyday Republican — what we’re going to have to find more if we’re going to get back to being a majority party.”
Who knows what the real story is - it no longer matters. She was destroyed just like barry's other female opponent while the Man of Integrity and Grand Uniter stood by and let it happen. Who believes that if barry said enough his minions in the media wouldn't have stopped? Say what you will about barry's politics - the fact that he doesn't mention or thank his mother and the fact that he allowed his female opponents to be trashed so he can win reveals a man with no character. Period.

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