Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pro-Obama media bias

November 4, 2008

Rasmussen Poll

On media bias
51% Reporters tried to help obama (44% polled in June)
57% men
46% women
84% republicans
24% democrats
51% independents
Pluralites of early, certain and first time voters

7% McCain (13% polled in June)
12% democrats

31% unbiased
49% democrats

10% weren't sure

68% overall voters reporters try to help their candidates
23% try t0 be unbiased
9% undecided

47% believe most reporters would hide information
33% didn't
20% undecided

55% media bias more of a problem than big campaign donations

40% race more negative than most (have to take in the effect of the internet as well as reporters)
46% democrats
40% republicans

12% more positive
46% about the same as other elections

53% of voters overall think obama more positive
83% of democrats
53% independents

32% of voters overall think McCain more positive
66% of republicans
25% independents

15% undecided

74% media reported more on negative campaigning than the issues (which directly goes to proobama media bias considering his opponents consistently polled more negative)

Final presidential poll very accurate
Obama 53%
McCain 46%

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