Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Quote of the day: "a momentary lapse of judgment"

November 12, 2008
Former Congressman Mark Foley is doing a mea culpa tour. Is this what politicians do? Slink out after the elections? He is outraged people refer to him as a pedophile - he says pedophilia refers only to pre-pubescent boys. He gets caught and then goes into rehab for alcohol abuse and admits he was abused by a priest. How does that explain his explicit messages to teenage pages, who he is re-victimizing by coming out...again? Especially when he lobbied for tougher penalties on sex offenders and actually help craft a law to protect kids against internet predators -- which was exactly what he was doing. Months of pornographic messages he describes as a "momentary lapse of judgment". Do us all a favor and crawl back into your cave of hypocrisy.

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