Thursday, November 6, 2008

Rahm Emanuel

November 6, 2008

Funny how people are commenting on Rahm Emanuel as "someone who gets things done" and someone who promotes bipartisanship." Gergen came the close by saying he'll be the bad cop to barry's good cop - same as his campaign was. He's a foulmouthed, aggressive politician of the Sipowicz brand. Here's a Rahm for VP video.

1 - Barry would trust only a Chicago politician to get that close to him.
2 - He owes a great deal to Chicago and Illinois politics and you can bet there are more to come.
3 - Rahm Emanuel is Jewish
4 - He was a Senator Clinton supporter, if only by name.
5 - He was a President Clinton operative.
7 - His name matches the Messiah theme.

Then add whatever you want after that. The question is how he will use Valerie Jarret a former Daley add and close friend of mrs barry. And Colin Powell, who was so reprehensible to his fellow friend, Republican and Vietnam Vet. Say what you will about what he actually believed and thinks about barry he totally dissed Senator McCain by not calling him and that was scumminess at the highest level.

People were attacked - including everyone of barry's opponents for being racists but not a single barry supporter has been scrutinized as to their vicious treatment of Sen & President Clinton and Sen McCain. Those people showed themselves to be not only disloyal - but also cruel and vindictive. No old Washington? barama matthews says barry is a "new type of politician". He is - a Chicago politician who is more vicious and unscrupulous than anything you'll see in Washington. Wake up folks.

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