Sunday, December 7, 2008

barry still smokes

December 7, 2008

Meet the Press

Tom Brokaw tries to get barry to answer a simple question about smoking and barry answers in true obamantor style.

BROKAW: Finally, Mr. President-elect, the White House is a no-smoking zone, and when you were asked about this recently by Barbara Walters, I read it very carefully, you ducked. Have you stopped smoking?

OBAMA: You know, I have, but what I said was that, you know, there are times where I've fallen off the wagon. Well...

BROKAW: Then that means you haven't stopped.

OBAMA: Well, the--fair enough. What I would say is, is that I have done a terrific job under the circumstances of making myself much healthier, and I think that you will not see any violations of these rules in the White House.

And Brokaw fell for it just like Barbara Walters.

He hasn't stopped - he just won't be smoking in the White House - which he can't do anyways. Answer: Yes, he is still smoking. Can you imagine barry speaking through a foreign translator?

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