Friday, December 5, 2008

Dear Pro-Obama Media Members:

barry tries to make himself look noble by picking Sen Clinton for Secretary of State and you applaud him for his Lincolnesque "team of rivals" crap and go on to compare him to our truly great presidents (as in actions) and other world leaders. A gentle reminder: barry has not even clocked in yet and we all know how his first executive decision of Joe Biden turned out. What was picked for? Foreign policy? Is the loquacious gaffer ever going to get a word in edgewise? He's going to be a Dan Quayle - not a Chaney. And was he referring to Mumbai? Or will it be Georgia and Russia again?

Nothing - as in not one thing - has barry done of consequence. He has never made a unilateral decision resulting in consequences solely to him and the first time he does will be as President of the United States.

Besides the fact that Sen Clinton is perfectly suited and capable of the job and the fact that he needs the very finest minds around him to teach him things (and to throw under the bus as needed) - he had a politically expedient motive.

Everything he has done in his political career has been politically expedient and a hollow chant of CHANGE! is not going to change that.

It's who he is. The only thing he has revealed himself to be.

He picked Sen Clinton to vacate her senate seat. Period. It was part of the Kennedy deal. Along with the in your face dis of Sen Clinton by appointing Caroline Kennedy the head of the VP search and snatching up Patti Solis Doyle. He appoints Clinton to a cabinet position and a Kennedy takes back Bobby Kennedy's senate seat to keep the Kennedy line going. Caroline Kennedy would be the obvious choice and after that RFK Jr. Whoever it will be - it will be a Kennedy.

barry is not in any way noble. He is doing what he always does. He is doing what he was told and what he agreed to do so he could take the next step up and that is never going to change.

ps. Give Mr Bill a rest. Why in the hell would a globe-trotting president beloved by the world become a senator? Especially under a man who refused to call him and allowed him to be painted a racist - even still? The same man who detests his wife, won the nomination by fraud and tried to destroy his presidential legacy.


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