Friday, December 12, 2008

Quote of the day: "To Hell with the Constitution!"

December 12, 2008

The Obamas want Bush to allow them to move into the Blair House ten days early so Malia and Sasha can get acclimated at their schools. Moving in before Barry has been inaugurated. I’m not sure what else I can be surprised by. The request is one thing – the proobamedia outrage is another.

David Chelsea’s been pimped out Schuster is outraged! He must still think he can still be special if he sticks up for barry. Note to proobamedia: He doesn't care. You've done your job - you got him elected by destroying his opponents and promoting barry propaganda. You'll find out his "loyalty" and gratitude when you start attacking him. Covering up for Blagojevich is only going to prove how blinded you are. Time to break through your obamerism. You're all already laughingstocks.

SCHUSTER: This is outrageous and insulting! However, I have a solution. If the Bush administration will allow the Obamas to move into the Blair House, I will offer my house in Georgetown for the various Bush receptions. I'll make hors d'oeuvres and mixed drinks, including a cocktail we can nickname: To Hell with the Constitution! And another I'll call: No WMD - No Problem. The back patio is nice. And anybody who wants to sleep off the night can do so in my basement. And don’t worry about the basement mouse problem. I'll put the same kind of effort into fixing it, as your effort at seeking honest pre-war intel.

Funny how he is quick to mention The Constitution as pertains to Bush but finds it ridiculous when compared to barry. Do they even hear themselves?

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