Monday, December 1, 2008

Quote of the day: "Wow, he must be a man. Whoo-hoo!"

December 1, 2008
Morning Joe

The morning read through the papers, which is supposed to be Mika's segment. Once again she gets talked over and made fun of and once again she giggles and goes on. She holds the WSJ upside down showing the above the fold story on India – which is anything but funny - and reads about a Latvian man taken in for questioning for commenting on the Latvian economy .

JOE to Chris the producer: Could you please have somebody tomorrow morning teach Mommy how to do the papers?

Chris laughs.

MIKA: (Seriously) This is what gets my husband really mad when I hold up the papers wrong.

JOE: If she’s holding up half of a newspaper and reading…

MIKA: I was excited about the article. (She smiles holding up the headline on India.) I can’t do both things at once.

Joe takes over and holds up his paper.

MIKA: Oh, you and your highlighted. Look how steady his hand is. Wow, he must be a man. Whoo-hoo! Mmm.

JOE holds up another paper. Online retailers very concerned--notice how I’m doing that Mika.

MIKA: Yeah. You’re so talented.

JOE: I’m not reading stories on the back while…(Wiggles the paper mocking her.)

MIKA: Sighs, smiles. “You’re an idiot.”

Joe and Willie talk about college football as Mika sits there with her hands crossed, shaking her head. She’s pissed when her news segments get preempted. (See "interrupting cow"). She opens her mouth and then looks off to the left as the music starts. She literally bites her lip and hmms. Shakes her head and looks the other way and Willie and Joe talk on. “OK. (Tsks) Can we please look at the Philadelphia Inquirer real quick and then the St Petersburg Times?"

JOE: Ok. Do it right Mika. Hope it’s a full screen.

MIKA: There – I’m holding it up for you Joe. (fake giggle) It’s very still.

WILLIE: Virtually.

JOE: Reading Doonesbury on the back.

MIKA: Oh, be quiet!

I'm fascinated by their dynamic and how Mika gets belittled and pushed aside during her segments. Today it's clear she gets it and it angers her - but what does she do? Stay mum. You'd think she'd speak up since her dad will be on later though she doesn't like to be on set when he's there. Maybe that's why or maybe she's embarrassed she isn't standing up to them or she's hoping he'll rag at them for her.

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