Monday, December 29, 2008

unembedded videos

December 29, 2008

It has been brought to my attention that the videos are not included in all the posts. I imported our original site from blogger. Wordpress uses a different embedding method but most of the videos are from You Tube and they should have the link within the "courtesy of". The original posts have the videos embedded in them at Citizens Against Pro-Obama Media Bias on blogger. It is an impossibility to go through and re-embed the videos. I apologize for the inconvenience - especially when the transcript of the video is provided and not the video. As far as the template, I would like to make the column wider and videos smaller but don't have the time to mess with it. Sorry. As far as the polls, they couldn't be imported either but you can still vote at the other site. Use the link above. 88% of voters think proobama media bias exists. I'll try to get the rest of the numbers put together in a post.

The reason we moved was because of censorship by it's Technorati...why?

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