Wednesday, December 3, 2008

UPDATE 4: barry's birth certificate

December 3, 2008

Bob Schulz from the We the People Foundation was just on the NBC5 talking about the Tribune ad prime time in the middle of the 10:00 news. Wonder how he swung that since he had so much time trying to raise money for the newspaper ad. Probably requests from other markets....MSNBC perhaps? Yeah right. He didn't mention Friday or next Monday's scheduled press conference or the plans to have a expert fly to Hawaii. He probably did but they didn't show it.

By the way, the outcome of Andy Martin's suit was also thrown out for no standing like all the others. Who is going to be the first non-Supreme Court judge to rule against barry? Never happen. Legalese from Honolulu Advertiser's JIM DOOLEY:
[Hawaii Judge Bert Ayabe ruled that Martin] does not have a direct and tangible interest in the vital statistic records being sought, namely the birth certificate of President Obama.

Martin failed to demonstrate that "irreparable harm will occur if the records are not provided to the plaintiff."

Martin provided "insufficient evidence to indicate that the public interest supports" release of the record.

[And that] "There is a reasonable belief that the public would rather preserve confidentiality of vital health records."
That last rings most true. Add to that a concrete ruling that would hold up under appeal:
Martin's "lack of standing" and also ruled that Martin never legally served Lingle and state Health Department director Dr. Chiyome Fukino with a copy of the legal complaint.
How non/intentional was that by Martin's lawyer? I don't know if s/he was Hawaiian.

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