Friday, January 30, 2009

blago impeachment announcement (video)

January 29, 2009

Video of the pre-ordained, pre-negotiated vote. 59-0 to impeach. Commentary in a different post. They went one further and made sure (59-0) that he can never hold office in Illinois - and by stipulation by The Constitution - no other state. Though as the President of the Senate and blago's nemesis, John Cullerton pointed out, Blago "can still run for president [and VP] of the United States as he speculated." Well, barry got their tainted by the same man who has tainted blago - Tony Rezko - and without the executive experience blago already has.

Now having been "convicted" of impeachment, I move to prevent Rod R Blagojevich (he has no legal middle name - legally he's Milorad Blagojevich) be disqualified from holding any future public office of this state.


While you watch ex Lt Gov Pat Quinn get sworn in, recall his many vehement assurances that Gov Blagojevich will be impeached, and then ask yourselves whether he should have recognized a conflict of interest in that blago's impeachment would lead to his personal gain and political gain: a pay raise, a security detail, a governor's mansion and notoriety of having succeeded the first governor ever impeached in the State of Illinois.

And while you're at it, recall that Illinois Attorney General, Lisa Madigan, whose father, House Majority Leader Micheal Madigan, made possible her election, absolutely hates blago. Recall also that she made known in no uncertain terms that she wanted barry's senate seat. Now imagine her ire when she realized she was never in the running?

What say you?

Fair trial?

Ask yourselves one thing: would you think it fair to be summarily fired, without any tangible legal proof, that you stole from the company for which you worked just because you were caught on (not yet proven to be legally obtained) tapes discussing your plans in profane language, and in so doing pist off your coworkers because you dared to embarrass your messiah of a coworker on track to be CEO and thus in a position to grant them future favors?

And if those tapes had nothing to do with why you were fired in the first place but were used anyway to embarrass and shame you in the court of public opinion guaranteeing a jaundiced jury when (if ever) you go to trial?

Who among you would not take your case to the media?

Now get real and see it for what it was.

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