Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 2: blago impeachment trial

January 27, 2009

At Gov Blagojevich's impeachment trial today the famous wiretap tapes were played. Why I don't know - because he is not being impeached because of his alleged attempts to sell barry's vacated senate seat. Fitzgerald isn't even ready to charge blago on anything - so why are they playing? To prejudice the proceedings and entertain the media?

blago's absolutely right. The trial is a joke. Most of the media thinks the trial is based on the tapes and they're laughing at his making the rounds. But under that helmet of hair he is as wily as ever. He reached a huge audience, proclaimed his innocence, and explained that he is not being allowed to defend himself against the tapes, which have not even been proven to be undoctored or even testified to that that is his voice on the tape.

Anyway the tapes have him discussing how he wants to grant legislative favors in return for campaign cash. What politician does not do this? The ones not in office. He wanted to exchange barry's senate seat for a job for himself and his wife to secure a future for his family post-impeachment. Reasonable. He wasn't doing anything any other politician has done or will do. He just had the misfortune of being taped. But his biggest problem was bringing a "taint" to barry that barry, his minions and the proobamedia could hide. That was why the rush for judgment and the smearing of blago in the media and the ridiculous morning arrest - replete with handcuffs - staged for the national media.

That in itself was criminal. They arrested him because he was out doing his job standing up for the workers who had without warning lost their jobs. And he was successful. He got them money - not what they deserved but he got them something. That seems to have gotten lost in all this. But if one of those workers or one of their relatives get on that jury, Fitzgerald is going to have an acquittal or mistrial.

blago had done nothing but talk...and swear. Alot. And of course they were bleeped out today. Why censor now when everyone had already read or heard them? This way they can say it wasn't prejudicial. It's a joke. Pretend it was barry they were trying to impeach. Mayor Daley. Wouldn't fly.

blago did not act on anything and should have been given some respect as the state's governor until he was actually indicted on something. The legislators had been waiting for a moment like this and they seized it. Pat Quinn wants to be governor so bad he can't shout loud enough that blago will be impeached! He's been waiting years for this moment. He wants it over so he can get started on his campaign fundraising.

Why was there an end date to the trial before it began and before they knew whether or not blago was going to present a case?

He should have been allowed to surrender himself like most other politicians would have been. Can you imagine them doing that to barry or Dick Durbin or Harry Reid no matter what they were accused of? Get one juror who was arrested like that unnecessarily shaming and again it's over. And why the rush? For what? Three to six more months of investigation by Patrick Fitzgerald?

blago's being railroaded and by the time his trial comes around barry will be a blip on the radar and will have pist off a lot of people - he already has and it's only been one week. Blago - if he behaves - will get that juror just for standing up and appointing Mr Burris. That was political genius. The Illinois legislature are the shame-faced ones because they did not see it coming.

Fitzgerald blew his own case and he knows it. Why didn't he wait till he had the deal on tape and on video?

Because it was barry's minions making it. That is why blago was taken down in dramatic fashion. Lest you forget - senate candidate #5 is Jesse Jackson, Jr - barry's campaign co-chair - and he was still acting in official capacity.

Rahm Emanuel, barry's incoming Chief of Staff and good buddy of blago (he took blago's old post as state representative) was on those tapes discussing who knows what. Why weren't those released? Emanuel campaigned for blago- with barry . He even bragged he won it for blago.

Valerie Jarrett - seen her lately? She was barry's number one pick and she suddenly drops out? When she really wanted it? Why?

No coincidences. barry himself had to be interviewed by Fitzgerald. The President-elect was interviewed by the US Attorney. Just think about that. barry has all these innocent mistakes and that was not the fill in the blank he knew. He was also named in Rezko's indictment while he was running for president.

What is it going to take folks?

It was wrong to make a joke of blago. He may be a tad off, and he may have allegedly done some crazy things, but he is smart as hell as evidenced by his pick of Burris - and he is likable in a charming grandiose way. Audiences love him.

Back to the tapes where he describes what he and his wife need.

Prosecutor's exhibit: Rod Blagojevich stated that his decision about the open Senate seat will be based on three criteria, in the following order of importance: our legal situation, our personal situation, my political situation. This decision, like every other one, needs to be based upon that. Legal. Personal. Political.

Name one politician who doesn't operate the same.

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