Thursday, January 29, 2009

Impeachment won't strip blago's pension

January 26, 2009

I don't know how much he made in the last week but his wife has lost her $100K/yr job and he's about to lose his $177K. On the bright side - even if he is impeached he will retain his governor's pension. All they can do for now is kick him out of office and ban his return. If he is convicted in criminal court, the state pension board can do what they did with Gov Ryan and deny him his pension. He's not eligible to receive it for 3 more years (age 55). And even then he has his Congressional pension. Pat Quinn has already warned him that he's going to have to find a way home himself - even though it's customary for the governor to retain his security detail for a year. What remains to be seen is if he will attempt a final eff you as far as pardons, etc.

Good article by LEIGH CALDWELL on the actual financial breakdown of the cost of a senate seat. Tongue-in-cheek conclusion: "Rod Blagojevich was just too honest to sell the seat for its maximum possible value."

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