Friday, February 27, 2009

Octuplets: Man claiming to be sperm donor

February 27, 2009

Now a sperm donor is coming forth wanting to know if the children were manufactured using his sperm. He is offering to help whether or not the kids are his. The man seems very credible but how could he not know what the sperm would be used for? How many men out there stop by and make “donations” without knowing what is happening to them? She could have been doling it out to her girlfriends. And where did she store it? Guess.

BEAUDOIN: I just remember her saying when I donated that the doctor told her that she had to keep it warm by putting it between her — between her breasts — just to keep it warm, keep it room temperature until she took it in.

He went out with her from 1997-99 and he made three donations - she told him she had ovarian cancer and that’s why she needed it. How does he feel knowing that she lied about having cancer? He has to be wondering what else she lied about. Like the fact that she might have been married. She says “David Solomon” is the sperm donor for all 14 children (see IVF link). After this show aired she called and said her could take a DNA test.

What is strange - he cries when he talks about the custody battle for his son. He says their relationship is “really hurt to this day”. So how is coming forward and claiming 14 new children going to improve that relationship? There was no custody battle. It was sperm. And if they aren’t his kids - think of the situation he put his kid in having to be associated with that woman.


Beaudoin said he thought it was “out of the ordinary” when she asked him to donate. “But I cared about her so much. And I mean, we were, we were in love. I mean, I loved Nadya very much.

She really had a really infectious laugh. You know, just her laugh would, it would make you crack up. It’s kind of like she had a real high-pitch, squeaky cartoon voice. And, you know, she was a lot of fun to be around. Just her whole bubbly outward personality was really, really cool.

She looks different, sounds different. You know, it’s just not the Nadya I remember.

You know, I could say this is something that’s all new. The Nadya that I knew, it never, it never came up to have such a huge family. It was just an urge to have a child because she was not able to.

It just seems like a lot of her statements that she’s made have been really inaccurate.

I can’t take everything she says for granted. I mean when she initially told me the whole reason why, for donating sperm in the first place, you know was to get pregnant because she was not going to be able to have kids. And it, you know, has turned into this.

This. Yes this.

Either which way, you know, know that if she needs it I’ll lend a helping hand. She needs help. I mean it’s hard. It’s hard nowadays to raise two kids, let alone 14.

Beaudoin said he is coming forward now because he knew his name would eventually surface as the potential father and, considering the negative publicity surrounding Suleman, he wanted to tell his story first. Beaudoin said he tried to reach out to Suleman but she never returned his calls. Now a business owner with a wife and two sons, Beaudoin said the entire ordeal has been very hard on his family.

You know my wife, she’s not real happy about, you know, the whole situation. I mean, you can’t really blame her. I mean I kind of threw this in her lap after, you know, it kind of hit the news.

[I] just really want to know if these are [or] these are not my kids.

Either which way, you know, know that if she needs it I’ll lend a helping hand.

If it’s him - his helping hand already helped.


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