Tuesday, March 31, 2009

barry skips National Anthem at Camp Lejeune (2-27)

March 31, 2009

This is something that I had wondered about since I saw it go down but I didn't feel it was my place as a civilian to put words into military folks' mouths. When barry went to give his mission accomplished I'm going back on my campaign promise speech in Camp LeJune, he came out after the singing of the National Anthem. It was shocking, really. Like he was a visiting head of state or the king or a dictator. Like he didn't have the time.

What excuse could there have been? Not only did he not honor the flag on a military base where he went specifically to talk to the military he completely disrespected the woman soldier who sang the National Anthem - quite beautifully.

How does anyone think this is ok? There had to be some military in the planning that had to have raised some objections.

From Orly Taitz'a website Defend Our Freedoms: Emphasis added.

From Major James Cannon

This was a slap in the face of every Marine of yesterday, of today and of tomorrow. Obamas actions were that of an idiot or a muslim......definitely not of a President of the United States.

Yes I am angry....I'm damn angry.


A note from a retired Marine Colonel.

Hi, this is one of many e-mails out of the Camp LeJeune area regarding Obama's recent visit. Most report that the visit was closely orchestrated by Obama's handlers to ensure he got the best photo ops. Here's one typical comment: But my main point would be, why did it tee me off to hear Obama spout out Semper Fi and OooRah! This moron has no right to be trying to sound like he knows what we share!!! I am surprised he did not wear his basketball t-shirt with USMC in bold. The only thing as bad was Kerry "Reporting for duty" with a salute!
Well, the enemy knows our plan now! I would not want to be a civilian contractor in Baghdad in 2010; or an Iraqi anywhere in country who had helped America!
February 27, 2009

Obama skips National Anthem at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune

Camp LeJeune, NC -- President Barack Obama did NOT come out on stage for the singing of the National Anthem at his Camp LeJeune speech given at 12:00 Noon today.The Marine Band played "Ruffles and Flourishes" but Obama did not come out. The Secretary of Defense, Marine Corps Generals and a Navy Admiral came out. The Marine Corps Chaplain came out and said a Prayer.

A lone female sang the National Anthem and after it was sung, the Marine Band again played "Ruffles and Flourishes," a speaker introduced the President and only then did the Band play "Hail to the Chief" and did President Obama come out.

This struck me as very odd. Why did the President not come out for the prayer? Why did the President not come out for the National Anthem?

This was no mistake. This was a slap in the face by the President, to the entire nation and it did not go unnoticed.

I'm glad it didn't go unnoticed or uncommented on by the military. The press is another matter. I didn't see or hear anything. Each one of those soldiers' lives depend on barry and he acted like some supreme dictator. He should be made to walk back in there and apologize. Right. When pigs with lipstick on fly.

Commander in Chief of the United States

Maybe he couldn't bear to put his hand on his heart after all.

[9-16-2007 (Des Moines, Iowa) Tom Harkin Steakfry]


What type of Commander in Chief does this?

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