BARRY: Do you believe we did it, Hot Rod?
BLAGO: Yeah, I told you to trust me. I'm an effing genius. And I've got great hair. You've got nothing but some gray specks.
BARRY: Who's president, Rod?
BLAGO: Who got you there?
BARRY: True.
BLAGO: Now get your man Rezko not to talk to the Feds any more than he already has. He squeals - I squeal.
BARRY: Keep your mouth shut. I've got Pat Fitzgerald in my back pocket.
BLAGO: And I got Burris in the senate.
BARRY: Sure did. Shut that GD Harry Reid up and paid back your buddy Dick for trashing me early on.
BLAGO: Great wasn't it? The effing media has no effing clue what we pulled off.
BARRY: Showed Dick and Harry who's boss right outta the GD box.
BLAGO: You owe me big time for the beating I took.
BARRY: You know I'm good for it.
BLAGO: No I don't.
BARRY: Chill the hell out. Go to prison - give me a year and you'll get your pardon. So don't be talking trash about me in that book. Just make some shit up like I did.
BLAGO: I took the deal cuz I needed a some cash. Any you want to funnel my way?
BARRY: No can do, Rod. They're watching up tight now that Chief Justice Roberts is looking into my GD birth certificate. I wish your bookie friend would have made a better forgery.
BLAGO: I told you they'd look - but you didn't listen. Not everybody loves us, ya know?
BARRY: Speak for yourself. They love my ass. They don't even listen to the crap I'm saying.
BLAGO: Yeah, you got to get rid of that teleprompter. They're on to you.
BARRY: No can do. I don't know any of that shit they make me talk about. That's why I hired all those idiots who stand behind me. And why in the GD hell are they looking at my Selective Service Registration?
BLAGO: Cuz you only gave them a few documents. You give 'em a load of crap, they never look at it all. Should have been obvious like Burris' lawyer funneling you that $50K. Never even looked twice. You get your cash, Roland gets his job, I get my juror.
BARRY: I got your back.
BLAGO: You better. What'd you think about my radio gig? Handed it right to that MF Quinn. Told my jurors he'd raise taxes and he did. Gave me a effing gift is what he did. And the callers loved me.
BARRY: Sorry, don't have time for that shit. I gotta figure out what I'm supposed to do. What's up with this governing shit? I just like to get out with the people so they can worship me.
BLAGO: Ha-ha. You ain't got a pig's chance - lipstick or no lipstick. Send money our way is all you need to do....
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