Sunday, May 31, 2009

(5-25) Larry King: Top 10 Idols Part 2

Adam Lambert, Top 10 – posts/videos

Aired May 25th

This is their second appearance on Larry King–Ryan Seacrest sitting in. Top 10 interviewed together + Randy Jackson calls in by phone. Their first appearance was May 22nd. Follow link above for their individual segments. Paula Abdul was in one with Kris and Adam.


Part 2: The first part is the missing section of video. Scroll down for the video. Randy on the future of the show – will Simon be back? “Heartless” turning point for Kris, Kris hasn’t heard from Kayne West personally – just that he liked it, “No Boundaries” – what it’s about and how how hard it is to sing, know three themes at a time, Matt on song choice, Michael Sarver what they did when they picked the same song, Scott on his visual impairment – could feel the difference on the stage through his feet, thanks others for their help.

Video: “fabulous Adam”, his hair, gets inspiration from “eccentric” creative friends, Lil Rounds probably going back to Memphis to record, record deals, they are getting a cut of their iTunes downloads, Queen asked Adam to sing with them “here and there” – waiting to see what happens with tour – wants to make album “new” music, Scott, Matt & Allison on their music.


SEACREST: We’re back with your “American Idol” special — your questions for the top 10. And Lambert critiquing himself with that last note.

LAMBERT: I sang the wrong thing. And I was singing the harmony that was above it that the background singers were singing.

SEACREST: You finessed so well. And then…


LAMBERT: I just — I was singing the wrong notes.

SEACREST: Randy Jackson on the phone.

Did you — did you hear a bum note there, Randy?

JACKSON: Yes. But, see, at least he knew what it was. I love that Adam (INAUDIBLE)…

SEACREST: But he (INAUDIBLE) within the first second when he got there, right?

Hey, Randy, I want to ask you about the future of the show. A lot of buzz about what’s going to happen on “American Idol” — the judging panel, will Simon stay, will Simon go?

What has he said to you?

What do you think is going to happen?

What do you want to see happen?

JACKSON: Listen, I think we’ll all definitely be back for next season and it’s going to be just a great, amazing crazy, wild season again, hopefully.

And, you know, the future, who knows?

I mean, you know, the future — we’ll see, Rye.

I think, you know, Ryan, is your contract up next year?



SEACREST: Can the show be successful without Simon?

JACKSON: You know, listen, I mean that’s a — that’s a very, very tough question. I mean, you know — I’d like to think that, organically, how the show grew is why it’s so successful. I think if we all say we knew before the time that it happened, we’re probably not really telling the complete truth.

So we organically are blessed with this great vehicle — all these kids that you’re talking to right now. And I think — look, I don’t know. I don’t know what show will be without him. I don’t know, because he’s a big part of it. That’s why I signed on in the beginning, because of him.

So I mean, I don’t really know. It can still go on. I don’t know if it will be as successful as it was.

SEACREST: But you call it everybody back for next season, right?


JACKSON: Dude, come on, Rye.

Let’s rock the house, baby.


SEACREST: You are a terrific guy, a dear friend. We’ll talk to you — I’ll call you later, all right?

JACKSON: Guys, I love you. I’ll see you on tour, man. Continued success. Great look Holler at me. Let’s get in the studio and make some music.



SEACREST: We’re going to holler at you after this break.

More of your questions.

Holler, after this.




SEACREST: That is your “Idol” exclusive — the top 10 here answering your questions.

That was Kris Allen, the winner of “American Idol,” doing “Heartless.” Some say that was a — or a lot of people, including, I think, you — say that was a turning point for you.

ALLEN: Yes, I feel like it was. Absolutely.

SEACREST: And what did you think when Randy — I remember that night Randy said it was better, in his opinion, than the original and better than The Fray.


SEACREST: Another band who did a cover of that song. He said it was better that that, too.

ALLEN: I was like, oh, gosh, I hope Kanye is not mad at me.


SEACREST: But just the fact that you would know Kanye is kind of a cool thing, right?

ALLEN: No, I don’t know Kanye.

SEACREST: Did you hear — did you hear from Kanye?

ALLEN: I haven’t heard from him personally, but I have heard that he did like it, so that’s really cool.

SEACREST: All right. We appreciate all your questions via Twitter and also online and Facebook.

Let’s go to this one. The winner’s single, “No Boundaries” — this is a viewer question. It was co-written by Kara DioGuardi. What were the challenges of the song?

We’ll start with you, Kris.

ALLEN: It’s hard to sing. It’s — you know, it like stays up in the upper register for a long time and it’s hard to breathe. And Adam and I talking about it a lot.

SEACREST: (INAUDIBLE) any words in?

LAMBERT: There’s a lot of words.

ALLEN: A lot of words.

LAMBERT: A lot of words to the song. A lot of words.

ALLEN: It’s — there’s a lot of words. And I think I even — I think I even forgot the words on the show. I don’t know if it was caught or not, but I think I did. And so…

SEACREST: In that moment, do you feel a flash of heat down your spine, when you for — when you forget something on national television and you’re being judged?

ALLEN: I don’t — I think I did it and I was like, OK. And then I just kept on singing so I couldn’t…


LAMBERT: Yes. I forgot the words during dress rehearsal and I got really flustered.


LAMBERT: And I was like, oh, God, I hope this doesn’t happen later.

SEACREST: And, lyrically, what do you think about the song?

ALLEN: It’s got a good message.


ALLEN: You know, it — it’s talking about the mountains and the hurricanes and — but, you know…


ALLEN: It’s — it’s — it is (INAUDIBLE)…

SEACREST: Adam, a mountain lover?

LAMBERT: I love climbing mountains.



LAMBERT: I climb every mountain and I cross every stream.



SEACREST: This question is via CNN’s Facebook page for any of the “Idol” finalists: “How far in advance do you know the theme for a week?”


DESAI: We — it — it really depends. We normally got about three themes at a time. But, you know, we were so focused on what we were doing that week that, you know, sometimes when we picked what song we were doing, the Thursday after, you know, the previous week.

So it was — you know, we, on a normal week, maybe four or five days to prepare a song for — for that week.

SEACREST: And, Matt, the song can make or break you. Give us some insight in terms of how you go about picking it and when you go back and forth. It’s tough to make a decision sometimes.

GIRAUD: Yes. You know, before this I was a dueling piano player, as you know. And I know tons of songs. So it was kind of hard to, like, really — which one is good for you?

I can do tons of songs, but which one can I do that makes me, you know, sound good or perform well?

Because some songs just don’t do anything for your vocals. So, you know, some people knew exactly what they wanted to do every week. But some people — I think like me and Danny, I think the Song Clear — like the Clear Song people, or whatever they’re called — they were like chasing around for song choices.


GIRAUD: And we were like, no, I don’t want to pick yet. I don’t want to pick.


GIRAUD: I would tell her songs to clear that I didn’t even really want to do.


SEACREST: What happens when somebody gets your favorite?

There’s a song that you want and somebody else gets it?

How — how does that work, Michael?

SARVER: Oh, we draw out of a box.

SEACREST: Is that right?

SARVER: Yes. And we — it’s from blank pieces of paper and one piece of paper has the title of the song. And whoever gets it keeps it.

SEACREST: And that’s it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I know how that feels.


SEACREST: I know how…


SARVER: I actually know how it feels to win three times.


SARVER: Three times.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Come rain or come shine.


SEACREST: What’s the beef here?


SEACREST: What’s the…


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No beef — there’s no beef.

SEACREST: Well, you could have fooled us.


SARVER: The two 23-year-olds pianists kept taking the mike.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, I can imagine.

SARVER: They would always pick the same songs.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People think so small.



SEACREST: For those who don’t know, Scott is visually impaired.

Scott, how — how — can you see anything?

What can you see?



MACINTYRE: When I’m facing toward you right — right now, I can only see like a little tiny part of your face — and because it’s good lighting. So I only see — I can’t really see much detail from this distance, but I can kind of see a little part of your nose or your forehead.

SEACREST: Right. Well, I’m 6′10,” 240 and I used to play ball.



SEACREST: Let’s scrimmage.


MACINTYRE: You know, but it’s crazy.

SEACREST: But, seriously, how difficult was it for you being on the show?

MACINTYRE: It’s — it’s pretty — it’s pretty weird sometimes, because as soon as, you know, the lights are shining in my eyes and everything, I have no visual reference whatsoever. So, actually, you know, some — a lot of the people don’t know, I would run to the — you know, the edge of their — just jump a little forward to the edge of the stage during some of the…

SEACREST: Well, I mean…

MACINTYRE: …the group numbers.

SEACREST: But let me be honest…


SEACREST: …were you ever worried about walking off the edge of the stage?

MACINTYRE: Well, it didn’t happen yet, so I’m…


MACINTYRE: You know, and they’ve been great about helping me around. But, honestly, there’s a little — there’s a little grid where the floor monitors are so we can hear what we’re singing, right at the edge of the stage.


MACINTYRE: And I could feel the difference with my feet. And all — you know, a lot of these guys did a great job of — of, you know, offering to help me around during those. And we built a lot of that it into the choreography. So it really was definitely an adventure. But it worked out well.

SEACREST: The adventure here continues with your questions here on LARRY KING LIVE after this break.

Stay here.


SEACREST: I mean, it looks like the cast of a scripted show there. “American Idol’s” live tour hitting 50 cities across the country. You have to support this top ten. They earned a lot of peoples’ votes over the course of our season.

Back now with your questions on LARRY KING LIVE. Let’s see. How about this one? From the blog, Adam, “how did you get to be so fabulous?”

LAMBERT: I don’t know exactly what that means.

ALLEN: I was born that way.

LAMBERT: No. I was not born fabulous at all.

SEACREST: You looked very different in high school.

LAMBERT: Yes. My 20s here in L.A. have been an eye-opening experience. I have a lot of eccentric friends and I know a lot of artists and designers and people that inspire me. And that’s kind of where I get my ideas from.

SEACREST: How often a week do you have to darken your hair?

LAMBERT: It’s not weekly. A couple of times — maybe once or twice a month.

SEACREST: Monthly. For Lil Rounds here, will you return to Memphis after the tour? Or do you plan to move in order to pursue your music career?

ROUNDS: I believe that I will go back home, go back to Memphis after the tour. And if I do come back out to California, I have a family and I’ve heard and I’ve seen that they’re a bit more expensive out here than in Memphis. So, you know, I just want to make sure that I’ll be able to afford coming back out to California.

SEACREST: That’s a good thing to think through.


SEACREST: All right. Here’s a question we got from viewers. Albums, who’s got record deals? Who’s got album plans? I know Kris did.


SEACREST: Scott, what were you going to say?

MACINTYRE: I was going to say, obviously Kris does. But I think for me I’m already — you know, a lot of that — we can’t discuss yet because they will lock in soon or during or after the tour. But — and a number of things can happen that we’re talking about. But for me, I’ve started conceptualizing it.

SEACREST: Do you have a deal?

MACINTYRE: Well, we are all signed to, you know, 19 right now.

SEACREST: Nineteen is the management company.

MACINTYRE: And the record deal for all of our singles on iTunes. And as soon as that goes away, they either keep some of us on or we go out of the deal. And they facilitate a lot of other stuff and just kind of — we have to talk through that.

SEACREST: So politically correct. I love it.

MACINTYRE: But I have — I have plans. I’m not going anywhere.

SEACREST: Yes. Not going anywhere. Adam, being the runner up, how about for you?

LAMBERT: We are working it out right now. It looks good.

SEACREST: What do you want to do?

LAMBERT: I want to do an album. That’s my first goal. I don’t know, something kind of, you know, pop, rock. Like an electronic production kind of edge to it. Something kind of new. I want to do something different.

SEACREST: Any truth to the rumor that Queen offered you the gig as lead singer?

LAMBERT: I think that they were interested in maybe me coming out and joining them here and there.

SEACREST: They had a conversation with you?


SEACREST: They did?

LAMBERT: Yes, yes.

SEACREST: What did you say?

LAMBERT: You know, obviously, we have to work it all out.

SEACREST: Look at me. Look at me.

LAMBERT: There’s a lot –

SEACREST: What did you say when they said, do you want to be the lead singer of Queen?

LAMBERT: They didn’t say do you want to be the lead singer of Queen. They said, would you like to come out — yes, of course, that would be amazing. They said, we would love to see you out and come out with us and sing with us.

SEACREST: You said, yes?

LAMBERT: I said I would love to, yes.

SEACREST: How do you do that with the Idols’ Live tour?

LAMBERT: That’s exactly why I’m kind of hemming and hawing for an answer here, because I’m not sure exactly how that would work.

GIRAUD: They asked me too. I said I would think about it.

SEACREST: What kind of record are you going to make, Matt? Have you thought it through?

GIRAUD: I’d like to get back to piano, a band around me. I imagine myself, you know, doing some rock, some soul stuff and just getting back to performing. I can’t wait to get back on the road and gig like that. I want to make a good album. I’m talking to a lot of people that I’ve met about writing songs together and — people out there.

SEACREST: Well-known names?


SEACREST: Give us one.

GIRAUD: I can’t do that yet. Come on. I can’t give it all away. I can’t give it all away. I’m just talking right now. It’s the time right after the show pushing you out of the nest a little bit. Like, what do I do now?

SEACREST: Allison, you are in school right now. You have to have a tutor every day, right, for school? You will be on the Idols’ live tour. How will your day be different than the others? Do you know?

IRAHETA: Well, I mean, I don’t know how tour’s going to be yet. I mean, it’s obviously going to be crazy. But all I know is that it’s probably going to be like — it’s going to be probably the same as when we were in the show as to like — all right, Allison, you have to wake up at 7:00 a.m. You guys have to wake up at 10:00 a.m. See you guys later.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We’d all give her a little –

IRAHETA: Here’s the thing. Here’s the thing. Here’s the cruel thing for me, when they did — they would be like, all right, rehearsal. They would be like — I was like, see you, guys. I’m in school.

LAMBERT: Bye, guys. See you next week.

IRAHETA: Hey, what did I say, I didn’t want to look like an idiot in this thing.

SEACREST: We are going to come back. More LARRY KING LIVE. The Idol special continues with your questions after this break.



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