Thursday, July 30, 2009

Anti-birther: CBS’ Brian Montopoli

July 28, 2009

Updated list of birth certificate posts

I’ve decided to include some snippets of folks’ posts/articles I come across. This one comes from CBS Political Hotsheet’s BRIAN MONTOPOLI” (July 23) Who Are the Birthers?

1- He includes the picture below and it’s clear he doesn’t know what a CERTIFICATION of Live Birth (COLB) is from a CERTIFICATE of Live Birth (birth certificate) and yet writes:

the Obama campaign posted his birth certificate (here it is)

Just a link to that worthless one-sided COLB.

[birthers] argued that the birth certificate is a fake

Nobody’s seen the birth certificate except Dr Fukino and her male colleague. Nobody knows if the birth certificate is a fake and nobody knows if that COLB he calls a “birth certificate” is real – not even the spokeswoman For the Hawaii Dept Of Health who examined it. He quotes politifact but it seems missed that part. [Emphasis added]

The din eventually got loud enough that some reputable organizations checked out the birthers’ claims – and they found no evidence to support them. In fact, there was overwhelming evidence against such claims, including Mr. Obama’s 1961 birth announcement, printed in two Hawaii newspapers. Here’s one detailed investigation [Factcheck - direct connection to barry], and here’s another. [Politifact - cites factcheck]

Neither call it by the correct legal name – both call it a “Birth Certificate”. Their ‘”factchecks” are meaningless by that alone.

As much as the MSM wants folks to believe they are – they are not the same and are two very different things. The COLB certifies that the birth certificate exists. Use the magnifying glass provided and read the title of the document. It’s not a birth certificate.


And if you asked this man, what are the chances he knows the difference?

2 – Birthers are racists:

Conspiracy theories often flourish in the wake of traumatic or game-changing events…. and the election of America’s first black president has been no exception.

3 – Birthers are conspiracists. He quotes MICHAEL BARKUN, “an expert in conspiracy theories and professor of political science at the Maxwell School at Syracuse University”. Mind you he doesn’t say what Mr Barkun used to generalize or determine that it is in fact a “conspiracy”. Ben Smith at Politico quoted an urban legendist. But the birthers are the nutballs. [Emphasis added]

There are people out there who firmly believe that the truth is always hidden, regardless of whether it’s about politics or science or any other subject. That whatever is presented as public knowledge is necessarily false. That the truth is always hidden from them, regardless of what the subject is.

They give people a feeling that we know the truth. That we have secret knowledge, and that we know how the world really works. In a sense, we’re part of a kind of elite of those who know and everybody else is misled or are trapped by illusions.

Who is he referring to? In this case the truth is hidden and they – the non-birthers – feel they know the truth.

4 – Birthers are all loonies like Lady in Red in Delaware. Helps make their case.

5 – Birthers are plotters – Rep Posey’s birth certificate bill is related to barry even though it’s for future elections. This election Congress had to have a hearing on Sen McCain so why wouldn’t they want it…unless barry can’t produce one or 2012. barry has to sign it into law doesn’t he?

requiring presidential candidates to submit a birth certificate, a wink and a nod action that he maintains is somehow not related to the birthers’ claims.

6 – Birthers are all Republicans. He quotes Atlantic’s MARC AMBINDER, CBS News’ chief political consultant:

birthers now wear the term ‘birther’ as badge of honor, as if they were a persecuted minority

Lou Dobbs, Rep Poe, Orly Taitz, Alan Keyes and G Gordon Liddy weren’t persecuted by the MSM?

Republican presidential candidates need to figure out how to diffuse angry birthers who are bound to show up and demand their attention

And the easiest way is to see what is on the birth certificate. And yet all these folks would rather write these articles that just reveal how little they know.

And what does that do?

Makes those angry birthers angrier.

The fact they always leave out: this issue is still alive because of barry. The whole situation could be diffused if he released his birth certificate and he could have done this a year ago. He chose not to.

Where is the “anti-birthers” simple logic?

Why doesn’t barry just produce it?

God forbid they take the next step: Why is barry spending hundreds of dollars to prevent the release of something that costs less than $20?

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