Thursday, July 30, 2009

HuffPo hires Axelrod’s son

July 29, 2009

Remember how crazed they were about “blago” and “Chicago Politics”? Chicago politics, I might add, that never included barry – or Mrs Obama, who was schooled in it as a child.

Well, pay to play is alive and well. Huffington Post got barry elected and in doing made their way to the top of the blog ratings. And they did so well, they expanded to Chicago (surprise), New York and Colorado with plans for LA next. The Colorado site goes up in September and the new editor is David Axelrod’s fresh out of college 22 y/o son Ethan. It appears the Colorado site will follow the original: no experience necessary to write barry propaganda and no ethics needed to destroy all of his naysayers – political or private citizens.

Axelrod’s first quote, already a spin of daddy getting him the job:

I’ve been interested in journalism for a while. I heard through my father that they were expanding, so I applied for it.

He reportedly was interviewed along with other candidates. Wonder if they knew they had no chance at getting the job?

It appears the junior Axelrod has been watching old footage of Mr Walter Cronkite:

I’ve always been a follower and admirer of news reporting.

Source: Washington Post’s HOWARD KURTZ, who had a nice way of announcing the new hire:

Ethan Axelrod is joining the Huffington Post, the liberal Web site that has been largely supportive of President Obama. sr

Ethan Axelrod ******** David Axelrod

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