Thursday, July 30, 2009

Jon Stewart re: Lou Dobbs & birthers

THANK YOU to ED DARRELL for finding this post.

July 24, 2009

Updated list of birth certificate posts

Jon Stewart tees off on Lou Dobbs and the birthers and in the process provides some humor. Though the last laugh is on him since he chose to use Kitty Pilgrim as the bastion of truth. What are these folks going to do when the actual birth certificate is released and they have to watch these tapes over again? And who doesn’t think that lady in red is absolutely as off as the previous John McCain lady in red? They find the most extreme example and lump everyone together. Makes them no more credible.

He calls Orly Taitz the “lost Gabor sister” and then proceeded to make fun of her credentials: lawyer, dentist, real estate agent. Why is she putting all that up there?

JON STEWART: (profanity included)

Are you looking to have a botched root canal, sue for the damages, and then use the settlement money to buy the house of your dreams?

If so, you can call me, Orly Taitz, you’re one stop shopping for all things tooth, legal and shelter related.

And then he goes into a shouting match — much the same as Roland Martin, who Lou Dobbs had to tell to chill the hell out.

What is going on here?

Can we just get to the bottom of this?

Can anyone just show the proof that Obama was born here?

Then he shows Kitty Pilgrim [full CNN segment video/text] of all people talking about the birth certificate, quoting factcheck, Gov Lingel (Pilgrim does not provide the “on record” quote and I’ve never seen it) and then the birth notices in the paper, which I find hysterical. Folks would rather pin their money on birth notices in a paper anyone could have run (even though they claim otherwise) rather than look at the actual paper that names the actual hospital, the actual the date and the actual doctor. I don’t understand this madness. If it’s all legit release it.

That was Kitty Pilgrim debunking this myth on July 17th.

“Debunking this myth” when they don’t even know where barry was born – as in what hospital – not even Gibbs.

On videotape dated July 20th, selective, incomplete quote:

LOU DOBBS: The questions won’t go away because they haven’t been dealt with.

And away Stewart goes…


Your own fucking network?!

And that was Kitty Pilgrim filling in for you on your show!

She debunked that theory – filling in for you on your show!


Her last name is Pilgrim…how much more American can she get?

Dave Letterman style:

Don’t you remember you came in the next day after she hosted and your seat was warm and didn’t have the mean old man smell anymore?

With an address and no name:

For FUCK’S SAKE, Lou, the local papers in Hawaii announced Barack Obama’s birth!

And then his own comedic conspiracy theory:

Ohmigod, Barack Obama’s running the old Kenyan Prince Birth Announcement Scam….

When the scam bit is over:

We laugh. It’s a laughable issue. It’s the kind of issue reasonable people dismiss.

Then, it really gets funny. He shows Chris Matthews (Hardball Sideshow about Stewart’s rant), who has been waving that piece of paper around that says in big letters across the top: CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH, while proclaiming it’s the birth certificate and saying “native born” not “natural born”, talking with Rep Campbell who in response to Matthews’ question says “as far as he knows” barry’s a native born citizen. [Full hardball segment video/text]

…And I have no reason to believe Congressman Campbell spends his time surreptitiously giving out dollar tug jobs at the local rest stop.

All I’m doing is introducing legislation to make sure next time we catch this motherfucker.

Interesting wordage, isn’t it?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The time lines, places, actions, motives, when analyzed, support, and are consistent with, what is the answer to the Obama birth puzzle:

Obama’s grandmother is his mother and his mother is his sister.

Think about it. Review all the facts and claims.