Thursday, July 30, 2009

Media Matters: Dobbs’ promoting racist conspiracies

July 29, 2009

Updated list of birth certificate posts

Who owns Media Matters?

The smell of their desperation in going after Lou Dobbs comes right through the screen. They can’t possibly expect people to believe they are not in barry’s pocket…or vice versa. They’ve set up their little Let’s take it out on Lou Dobbs anti-birther site: “Dobbs Conspiracy” and the banner is “CNN’s Dobbs Problem”.

Why are they so panicked about this?

If barry’s legit – why the need for such madness?

CNN is second only to MSNBC/NBC as barryTV. Non-barryfans stopped watching it over a year ago when they made clear they hated “Hillary” and were in love with barry. People who watch Lou Dobbs aren’t about to be signing their don’t pick on barry petition nor are they about to stop watching Lou Dobbs. And they are sick of the probarry bias, which this is just enforces.

What site tracks down who owns these media outlets and how much their employees gave to barry? Huffington post didn’t wait long for their pay to play by hiring David Axelrod’s son.

Anyway. Here’s their video equating Lou Dobbs with G. Gordon Liddy “convicted felon”, Alan Keyes “habitual fringe candidate”, Orly Taitz and the lady in red, which ends with “You’re in good company, CNN”.

What is the investigative benefit of this?

How can they possibly believe they can ever be looked at as any type of neutral investigative whatever?

This is a direct personal assault and there is no way to hide it. Whoever owns Media Matters is in barry’s pocket and that’s what this is about. Period.

And here they flat out call Lou Dobbs a racist:

We need to present CNN with an overwhelming public response to Dobbs’ relentless promotion of these conspiracy theories tinged with racism.

That is beyond wrong and by saying it they are no different than the lady in red.

What does CNN think about being called a network that sanctions the promotion of “conspiracy theories tinged with racism.”?

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