Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Obama File is CLOSED

July 29, 2009

I wondered why we were getting such an inordinate amount of hits from the Library of Congress on a post from March about the Obama File so I went there and it’s “closed”.

He says it’s because of lack of funding — not because he was shut down by anyone. I know some folks who gave up after Dr Fukino released her second statement declaring barry a “natural born citizen” – like she’s suddenly a Constitutional lawyer – but wow he was totally into it from the start. And he sounds totally dejected. Here is his statement. I’m posting it in its entirety in case his site completely goes off line or expires or whatever so folks can be enlightened. It really is a shame after all the ENORMOUS work he did – even though I wanted to I never got the chance to read much.

One person did all that. I thought there were several people. He’s got every right to be angry. It’s hard enough to keep this going as one person and we’re just a little site with no one relying on us as a source. I have to admit we didn’t go there much after Donofrio and Wrotnowski but we did link several times. Mainly, it was a huge morale boost that at least one site covered barry from all angles.

It’s sad. barryfans must be giving each other high fives and that makes it all the worse. I am so sorry. And I also admit I don’t know anything about running a blog for money or as a profession or whatever. And, whereas it’s the first thing you see on Berg, Taitz and Martin’s site, I don’t recall seeing it there. I don’t recall seeing it on Donofrio’s site. I don’t get the bandwith thing and I didn’t realize it was customary to donate to folks either. But I guess if you use the same site for links on your own site then it makes sense. We mainly use big sites like CNN and aren’t confined to right or left ones.

Did he mention it before or is this the first time? Guess I’ll never know. I wasn’t aware you could close a site. So whatever links there can’t be accessed anymore? I’ll have to find a link somewhere and check.

Do most people know to donate? We’ve only been doing this since August and we’re not that internet savvy and never blogged or really read any – if none of us knew there has to be alot more. I hope he reconsiders allowing folks to at least make a payment even if he stays closed. There has to be a lot of folks who weren’t aware either. Wow. It’s sad. That has to be a bigger victory than that worthless resolution and Dr Fukino’s still incomplete statement. It’s got to be their biggest victory on the internet.

This is wrong at the most fundamental level possible. Someone hell bent on fighting censorship, propaganda and media bias because of his conscience — and doing such a thorough job — should not have to shut down. Nobody from the right helped him out? They had to go there everyday looking for ammo against barry. This is wrong.

Well none of this is going to change things and there’s no reason why he would come here anyway but I’d like to apologize for all of us here being so ignorant and we would be more than willing to contribute to the cause. Thank you very much from all of us here for the information you provided and more importantly for the morale boost. You totally rocked and I hope you come back just to accept retroactive funding.

I just read his “read me” page and he goes by BECKWITH and is a retired veteran and that just makes things worse. He has a sitemeter counter and has had 1.6 MILLION visitors and 3.6 MILLION page reads with 10 THOUSAND pages read today. And there quite a few referrals from the same website. A big well known website. Imagine if folks just gave him a penny a page. Thank you, Mr Beckwith. Please reconsider accepting funds from folks like us who had no idea. What you did matters. A great deal. Thank you.


Lack of support

You all deserve an explanation. No, Obama, nor the Obots shut me down. You guys did.

I didn’t get into this for the money. As I say on my Read Me page, “My agenda is simple and clear. I am opposed to a socialist sitting in the Oval Office — especially one that employs teams of lawyers and the legal system to hide his questionable background from the American People.”

But, I’ve had a PayPal “Contribute” button on my site for over a year. Every day, I get 200 to 300 emails. 50 Of them from folks that tell me I’m a patriot, or they’re praying for me, or the site is invaluable, blah, blah, blah. None of those emailers ever clicked the PayPal button.

I’ve been reading those emails for months, and instead of making me feel good, they disappointed me. I spend 8 to 10 hours a day at this — 7 days a week, and with the exception of a local guy who sent me two $100 hits a year ago, I have received from my loyal readership $40 in contributions in the last 16 months — while my bandwidth steadily increased.

Right now, my email box is full of emails telling me how valuable the site is, and please don’t take it down — oh yeah, and I’m a patriot. Not one of those emailers has ever sent me 5 bucks. I’m a strong believer in non-verbal communication. Flattery doesn’t pay the bills.

This isn’t about money. I do not want any contributions at this point. If you send me any money, I will just send it back — and I’ll pay the PayPal fee — costing me more money.

I realize I sound bitchy, but I’m discouraged — yeah, and angry. You want me to fight the fight, but you don’t want to give me any bullets.

I’m done. I’m going to the beach.

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