Monday, November 23, 2009

Video of the day: Pacman Bank Bandit

November 23, 2009


Streetsboro, Ohio: Man walks into a bank and hands the teller a note demanding money. He leaves with money (with dye pack) and his note and flees in dark colored Escort. Police pull over a black Ford Escort and find in the vehicle a .38-caliber pistol and a wad of cash covered in red ink. Police handcuff the now suspect and escort him back to the cruiser where the dashcam picks up the action. Police empty the content of the man’s pockets on to the hood. Man sees large square of white paper (presumed bank robbery note), leans over and gobbles it up. Investigators ask for the note – police review the video and voila! mystery solved.

(No audio)

Patrolman Daniel Biada:

He grabbed it in his mouth, just like Pacman.

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